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  1. I totally understand your post. The flipped switch moment, well for me it was like a light bulb turn on moment. We are on the same page. Thank you for validating my journey back to life. I hope maybe some day we could jump! I will jump soon.
  2. Ok guys, I am still fighting to get to 180. I did not make my goal of 180 from 300 at Christmas 2013. As my food addiction won out over the holidays and I gained weight, only 7 pounds. I am still grinding and only have about 12 pounds to lose to make my goal. I will do it. The weather has been crappy and anytime a person loses over 18 % body weight things get crazy with cold weather. It tells the body hey its cold put on more insulation to stay warm and that being said it's harder to loose plus when the weather sucks it's harder to get out and grind it off. Not to mention all the wonderful food we enjoy at Mom's, and grandmom's etc during the fun Holiday seasons. I could jump now and maybe I should! But My original goal is to jump at 180, it's just a mind thingey but that is it for me. BP is norm, clorestral is 139 no high pre diabetic numbers. I feel great and God bless all you Skydivers, I hope to become a skydiver this spring. Pics of my jump will be posted….not that anyone really wants to see another boring tj.
  3. Well guy's I did not make it to 180 lb.s by Christmas. However I did pass my goal of getting to a 35 inch waist. I am a 34 inch waist. Yeaaaaa for me. I think I may be training to hard,and gaining muscle mass. My BMI is in the normal range now and thats something I have not seen on a long, long time. 188 is not to bad. Life is good.
  4. Best to you Richard, you can do it!
  5. I exercise indoor rowing, cycling, and swimming. I do it 7 days a week. My diet is grilled, baked, steamed. Mainly fish, turkey breast, chicken. I cut waaay back on red meat. Lot's of water, green tea. Nothing processed, cookies, cakes, chips, franks none of that junk. 5 to 6 veg.s a day. I take a good supplement and get plenty of sleep. My well being has jumped through the roof. Life is worth living no matter how bad a shape you may be in , it's never to late to turn around. I wann be fit, I will be FIT!
  6. Jump weight update! I am at 186 from 300, Hell YEAAAAAAA. I can't begin to tell ya'll how good I feel. Working on my core strength and gettn stronger. My goal is 180 at or near or a little past Christmas. Then I am going to do a tandum at Skydive Carolina. LIFE is GOOD!
  7. Dr D, ya know the best thing for me so far in losing this weight is, well, my since of well being is out the roof. Not to mention my bp is normal, my BMI is normal and my cholesterol level is at 139. Hell yea, Life is GOOD………. Jus say'n. MacV
  8. Jump weight…..Up date, I am at 190, from 300. Yeeeaaaaa Haaaaaa jus t say'n. I feel the need for speed! Happy ADVENT YA'LL.
  9. Jump weight update! I have lost 93.5 lb.s. Yea for me! I am at 194.5 now. My energy level is way high. I am going to get to 180 hopefuliy soon maybe around CHRISTMAS, what a gift for me to say the least, Hell yea. I am working on getting my bodies core streangth stronger, and I am going to do my tandem at SKYDIVE CAROLINA ( THIS SPRING ). I WILL DO IT!
  10. I am at 210 now, I have no idea bout the type of skydiving I will need to start with. I guess the instructor will point me in the right direction. I just want to get to 180 so I will not be limited to anything. I want to do the tandem and then the AFP. I will even prepay for the training after I do the tandem and decide I have the intestinal fortitude to continue.Any advice would be greatly appreciated...........
  11. Like DrDom said, obesity is more dangerous than skydiving! Thanks brucet7. I am gonna jump when I reach 180, probably early spring 14, pic.s will be coming.