I, along with a few very experienced TIs, have just spent some time demoing an Icarus Spain TX2 (Steep) 330. And I feel it's worth a mention.
This model is called steep as the model before was trimmed very flat and was frankly pretty shit in turbulence. Generally we all disliked the previous model (which we had in 365ft) for that reason.
The new one with steeper trim (and a 330) was awesome. Still a bit bouncy in turbulence but remained rigid. Rate of descent was similar to a regular NZ aero Icarus. But the toggle pressure was close to a sport canopy with the turning toggles with a very responsive turn and dive, again closer to a sport canopy than any tandem canopy that I'd previously jumped (Twin, Icarus, A2, TX2).
And the flare power with the flare toggles, even coming straight in, was astounding, while still maintaining comparatively light toggle pressure.
Slow (very- up your pull height by at least 500ft), comfortable openings and an easy pack job.
If you get a chance to try one out, do. We were saddened to have to return it.