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Everything posted by bhop

  1. So does the AAD load in the appendix equate to the force needed to extract the bag? If that was the load measured on the load cell during an AAD cut I'd almost want the 18lb instead of a higher one if that's all the pilot chute had to pull.
  2. bhop

    This DZ is pretty new and has had issues staying open because of politics in the county, but this place is awesome. It is the exact oposite of where I learned to jump (big cal DZs), this is a small grass strip that feels like home and I loved it. It's worth the drive up from civilization because everyone is there to jump and have a good time. It is not a crazy tandem factory, and there were people ranging from AFF first jumpers to super expierenced military instructors. As a newer jumper everyone made me feel like I was apart of the group. I could get tips and help packing, did group jumps with random people, and had good conversations with everyone including pilot, owners and instructors. Did I mention free lunch? Cool place and I will definetly be back. Hopefully they can get a bigger plane too!