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  1. Hi, Bit long in replying to everyone..... however........ Got the medical advisor for the BPA to have a word with my doc, forms are all signed and just waiting for a date for my first jump so all good. There was a date this weekend to do a class but i'm off doing my PADI course first dive this weekend. Mid life crisis - what mid life crisis?
  2. hi Ron, if she was at my surgery she would. I'm at a health centre for my docs, rather than the old fashioned doctors surgery where you'd have the same doc all the time. This place seems to have a lot of locum docs and it's rare to see the same one twice. apparently it's getting harder and harder to get a doc to sign the jump forms cos they're too scared of liable, even though it states on the form that there would be no comeback. They just dont have the b##ls these days to take the decision without summat in writing to back them up
  3. Hi guys, wow, thanks for all the replies. The doc in this case is the same one that signed my scuba form only 2 weeks before so i cant quite see his issue. the owner of the DZ that i was going to is having a word with one of his mates, who is a jumper and a doctor, see if she'll have a word with my doc. I might just print out these replies as well and shove them under his nose
  4. Give it a go. I've wanted to do a skydive for years and never had the bottle to do it,always believing i'd chicken out at the last minute. A few weeks ago i did my first tandem skydive, believe me there's no feeling like it and i've now booked in for the full course. It's nothing like you imagine and everything you think it will be, and if you do your first one for charity someone else gets to benefit as well get up there an live your dream
  5. Hi I'm in the UK and over 40 (47), we have to fill out a medical form for the old and decrepit over here lol
  6. Hi everyone, new to all this. I did a tandem for charity a few weeks ago and got the bug... signed up for my solo static line course and gave the doc my forms to sign. I got a call today and the doc is unwilling to sign the form as there is a bit on it about diabetes. i've got type 2 diabetes, controlled by metformin, no insulin. my bloods are well controlled, have been for over a year. The form mentions exceptions but doesn't state what they are and the doc wont sign my form for the jump. what are your opinions on this..... btw the doc has had the forms for a week, i was due to do my course tomorrow and they've only just foned me to say he wont sign until i get written clarification Colin