Just read through all the posts. Looks like the last was Apr. 2009. I found the thread because I had just heard about a serious accident at Pegasus Air in Chickasha, OK. Apr. 2014.
They only do SL, AFF, IAD instruction. No Tandem. From what could learn from their web site, they prefer first time jumpers to do Static Line. They also allow ages 16 and up. The jumper was 16 female. Had good opening at 3500 ft. but with a mild right hand turn. That remained the same all the way to the ground with no flare. Broke alot of major bones and will have a full , but long, recovery. Not all the information is out yet but if Pegasus was still not always using radio to talk down beginning students then it looks like the student froze up. DZO thinks there will be a lawsuit. Ya, like duh. BTW- the dropzone is for sale land, buildings, two cesna 182 s, and all equipment. $ 250,000 Pegasus Air Sports.