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  1. I have read every post up to now and this the first time I feel moved to comment. I think John ( catfishhunter) and Remster may have it right. Rich obviously made a big mistake for which there could be serious financial consequenes (sp ?). His position with the USPA along with being a DZO ( the one who sets the rules) at the DZ where the accident occured) places the bulls eye directly on him. So if the USPA publicly faulted him, it could be like throwing him, and possibly the DZ, under the bus. Did I read it correctly that this all happened on Safety Day? Ironic
  2. The info at this site seems to indicate that the plane is almost impossible to fly to a safe landing if one engine expiriences problems at takeoff. That is even more so if the plane is highly loaded and/or the load isn't distributed correctly. What I could find seems to indicate that with 11 jumpers with equipment and a pilot that the plane was over weight. http://www.pprune.org/archive/index.php/t-466189.html
  3. I was having way to many hard openings on my 170 Sabre 2 So had it relined with Dacron. Much softer but still has that pesky turn most of the time. One thing bothered me was that long pause at the 1/2 way point of the slider comming down. Did what I was taught which was to pump the breaks.That actually makes it worse. Sent the rig back to PD and they said the pause was normal with the Dacron lines and confirmed that one should not pump the breaks. They also said that as the new lines get broken in that the long snivel will get less. It is a bit unnerving at first. PD also recomends pulling the slider out a bit on the nose of the S2. There is a video on their web site. Thanks everyone on all the great advise.
  4. My appologies. I thought I was on a different thread / forum and miss posted . Sometimes us old farts screw up.
  5. Serious accidents happen at all levels; 10 jumps, 200, 4000, whatever. No helmet is like no seat belt. Risky, stupid, and very bad example to the newbies. I have seen lots of minor accidents that would have been life changing if the skydiver had not been waring a full face helmet. Been there myself.
  6. Just read through all the posts. Looks like the last was Apr. 2009. I found the thread because I had just heard about a serious accident at Pegasus Air in Chickasha, OK. Apr. 2014. They only do SL, AFF, IAD instruction. No Tandem. From what could learn from their web site, they prefer first time jumpers to do Static Line. They also allow ages 16 and up. The jumper was 16 female. Had good opening at 3500 ft. but with a mild right hand turn. That remained the same all the way to the ground with no flare. Broke alot of major bones and will have a full , but long, recovery. Not all the information is out yet but if Pegasus was still not always using radio to talk down beginning students then it looks like the student froze up. DZO thinks there will be a lawsuit. Ya, like duh. BTW- the dropzone is for sale land, buildings, two cesna 182 s, and all equipment. $ 250,000 Pegasus Air Sports.