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  1. I purchased my Revolve through ChutingStar, they had it to me in 2 days. I used the measurement chart and ordered a XL. However, it was much too small. I returned it for an XXL, which was still too tight, and I had problems with the lens fogging up. Presumably because the fit was too tight and not enough air was moving in the helmet. I contacted BoneHead regarding the tight fit. They immediately emailed me back, and told me there were shims in the liners that I could remove. After removing one shim from each liner, the helmet fit fine. I ordered the Contour mount and ran into a problem there, too. The camera would not go on the slide. I had to spend all night gently sanding the rails. I was very careful to sand it just right. After a lot of careful work, the camera fit on the rails perfectly. I also found out that the Cookie Contour Rail Mount stopper fits the Revolve's Rail Mount. Overall, I'm very happy with the helmet. I just wish that BoneHead would have given a little more info on adjusting the fit. Blue Skies, BG