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  1. 10 hour shift , followed by a couple of hours to rest, straight in to a 18 hour shift, that was a few days ago, but it's not exclusively because I'm desperate for jump money, but sometimes needs must and all that. I guess everyone does what they need to to be able to jump
  2. I also have a nice video of level 1 AFF not being able to find my Handle. I almost found the cutaway handle and got pulled at 6000. Turns out I was simply not fully extending my arm and that's why I wasn't getting anywhere near it. After my next jump I had no bother though, as soon as I started extending my arm fully
  3. Hi there, where will you be jumping in the UK, I recently completed my AFF in Spain, but haven't really found my home yet in the UK, only completed a couple of jumps at Langar, plus done my B-Licence theory at Hib
  4. I would guess that most people struggle at some point on AFF. I recently completed my AFF There I was practising reserve drills over and over... but the upshot- no problems on morning refreshers My exits and lack of arching were what affected my confidence. Level 3, I nearly flipped myself and 2 instructors on our backs. Level 4, I did flip myself and instructor, couldn't get back stable and got pulled at 9500ft Level 4 repeat, flipped on exit again, but now learnt to get stable there is progression and things to be learnt from problems. I now have no problem getting stable again, due to being unstable many times... oh and I would say it was only on my consols when finally I could just exit stable properly with confidence keep positive, if you don't give up, then your not failing anything
  5. Hi I also had the dream to skydive, no experience, paid a load of money, and it was worth every penny and just awesome! Let us know when you book your first jump
  6. Hi thanks for the reply's, I live in Leamington Spa. Settling in to the skydive Spain house at the moment, tomorrow morning will start ground school. I watched a couple of loads landing at the DZ earlier today, which really got me in the mood for what's coming up Although my non existent Spanish could do with some work for the town that I'm staying in.....
  7. Hi I am new to the forum and sport. Been wanting to skydive since the age of 18, not been in the financial position among other reasons to do so. Its taken me 10 years of waiting,but now finally my dream is going to come true, I am off to skydive spain on Monday to complete my AFF, followed by my FS1. Can't wait really excited, just hoping for Blue Skies, looking forward to making some great new friends and just having a great time