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Everything posted by ianyapxw

  1. All I'll ask is have you tried emailing Ryan Chee (Ryan@iflysingapore.com)? May I know what's wrong with Dubai? I've only been 'in the scene' for months so I've got not idea what's the issue with Dubai and am interested to know.
  2. Are you sure, the rest of the post you're talking about basic sit-flying. For someone with a decent bit of tunnel experience (sitting off the net), I've never seen an instructor do this at belly fly speeds. I've seen them do it while sitflying then transitioning to back. Could you clarify this? You mentioned you're beginning sit. I assume you've done backfly at sit-fly speeds, just spread and you'll rocket up really really fast. Ok I shouldn't be telling you this... do this at your own risk, it's quite risky. Don't try to descend by arching, you won't get to descend that fast. First, try to find the range of speeds you can bellyfly comfortably at. At somewhere moderately high up the range, you'll be able to ascend quite quickly. To descend really quickly, bring your hands and knees inwards, such that your hands touch your knees, like this . It's quite dangerous though, as you could easily flip, or worse, be sent flying into the wall in a semi-sit position. Be safe!
  3. Why haven't you considered iFly Singapore, or if you are still doing belly, Skyventure Genting? Skyventure Genting is by far the cheapest at $400 USD/hr Edit: How bout Dubai as well? I heard tickets are cheap due to Emirates and the tunnel is relatively affordable and good.
  4. You might also want to look into Implantable Contact Lens. They, well, implant a contact lens. Apparently the lens can be removed/replaced in the future, say if you have a longsightedness problem.
  5. Also, it might be a good idea to mention to your tunnel instructor you're planning on doing AFF. They might be able to help focus your learning.
  6. Where did you get this stat? From what I know chance to die in a single skydive is same as 3 weeks car driving in US. About the original post, you've never mentioned your financial situation, which strikes me as odd. There are people who save for months for AFF, and there are people who earn 20k to 200k a month who treat the cost of AFF as spare change. Obviously it really depends on how much the opportunity cost of finishing AFF is.
  7. to TRY to explain it in layman terms, you seemed to have used a character (eg punctuation) in the title that the computer confused as a command. A human won't mistake a '?' for a command but a computer isn't that smart.
  8. Thanks for your sharing. Your story is inspirational and it's great things turned out this way
  9. I'm also watching this because I'm choosing a DZ for AFF myself
  10. Have you seen this fight? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pZ5qlIP0aRo
  11. ianyapxw

    Gopro Oops

    I don't farm, but you think he didn't touch his pig pen for 8 months?
  12. I'm curious, why are helicopter jumps so expensive? Is it because it costs more to operate or for other reasons? Also wondering why 'B' license? Sorry, I'm sure my whuffo-ness is quite apparent.
  13. You really should talk to the instructors about this... they're the best people to help you rather than hoping that someone on the group is on DZ.com Also, I don't know how the tunnel group there is organized, but where I go we meet once a week, same day. Hence if you've never seen them before you might not actually be free to fly with them.
  14. I have a friend who jumps regularly in Thailand, I remember he was saying that one place is safer but more expensive and the other is more dangerous but cheaper. He recommended the safer one. Just compare the jump ticket prices and you'll know which I'm talking about, I can't remember offhand. edit: not passing judgement as I don't know the place. Just expressing the opinion of someone else and letting OP decide
  15. I'm not into the olympics, or TV for that matter. I've never really liked the olympics (though I think summer's worse). To me it was some extremely dirty competition where countries would go all out to one-up each other (China) just to see who's better at something. I'm not saying everything or everyone's like that, just that I get a much worse vibe from it than watching skydiving on youtube
  16. A small crack in the bone can be an avulsion fracture right? I got a small hairline crack on my right toe when I kicked it against something hard by mistake, I always thought of that as a 'hairline fracture' but the definition seems to be kinda out because it was a 1 time impact
  17. As someone new, what do you think is the main cause of such violent disagreements, and what's the best way to keep myself out of trouble?
  18. I've read some posts about cliques, though I admit the experience might greatly vary, and I can't comment myself since I never jumped. While I can't comment about percentages, I do know of a few people (myself included) who probably would not take up skydiving if not for tunnel. This doesn't only include tunnel rats but tunnel instructors as well . Not only that, I feel that the widespread availability of tunnels makes the sport extremely competitive, as it is now very easy to form a RW team and get a ton of 'jumps' in a short period of time. I personally don't believe in competition, but hey, that's just the opinion of an outsider . I've about 3 hours in the tunnel and I'm working on sitflying. I don't deny that skydivers are a different group of people
  19. Wait so you're both a doctor and a paratrooper? I've heard the Australian military has a mobile hospital that can be thrown out of a plane. Did you do something cool like that?
  20. I think the idea is for people to do things they would normally never do. It's the "I must do this because I might not get a chance" mentality.
  21. ITT is In This Thread (: I've never been skydiving before, only tunnel, and I plan to start in a month when I leave my country. More details are in the "introduction and greets" forum under "to introduce myself..." Your experiences are reassuring though as I plan to go to a smallish DZ myself
  22. I don't know... why are your experiences so different from the others ITT? Just an honest question. Do you tend to stay in smallish DZs?
  23. erm... Isn't it better to call up your frequented DZs? Or is it you travel a lot?