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Everything posted by ianyapxw

  1. Sorry, my bad, I should clarify what I mean for everybody I don't mean zoom through the door, I mean proceed slowly. Furthermore, grab the door when it's in line with your head, so the floor doesn't burble you.
  2. I'm not injured lol But you definitely contributed to the discussion in some way
  3. As someone new here, why exactly are canopy skills so bad in recent years? Have regulations been relaxed?
  4. As a serious answer, I've never been skydiving (not even tandem). I posted my story here I know I will do skydiving. Why haven't you done it yet?
  5. Thanks for the sharing. However, if your shoulder injury is not 'certified' by a doctor, I'm sure you can just go to another DZ where they don't know your name, and continue your AFF. You technically don't have any history of arm injuries.
  6. I'm sorry to hear about your case and hope you can get back in the skies. Why do you say you have an injury if you can do pull ups and push ups without problem?
  7. Hey (: I'm a non-skydiver but I'm very interested. You can read my story in the "introduction and greets" forum, the post that starts with "to introduce myself" What's stopping you? Money reasons? Parents? Age?
  8. Most welcome! Wait, would your previous injury happen to be frozen shoulder? I'm asking because my mom had frozen shoulder, and she's plannning to go from no flying to tunnel camp for a variety of reasons.
  9. As a tip, I would suggest not flying to the door, but trying to fly through the door. Only reach and grab the door when it's in line with your head. This avoids the common mistake of reaching to grab and flying backwards, or worse, reaching to grab and playing tug-of-war with yourself
  10. Thanks for the advice! (: What's the deal with https, do you need special authorization to use https on your website, such that scammers can't use it themselves? Also, who defines what a 'valid certificate' is?
  11. Do you know exactly how this happened? I'm a regular tunnel flyer myself, and I'm not aware that such injuries existed till just now. Could it be a flexibility issue, or excessive flying that caused it? edit: To OP, get well soon!
  12. I'm new to this site and online purchases as well, so thanks for the explanation. What exactly does the link do? Isn't the objective to cheat your money, not to get a virus to your computer?
  13. I had a similar experience. I was given an "A" license until the CI could jump with me to clear me for something higher, which, uh, never happened despite me asking several times over the course of several months. This lead to me basically just ignoring all of the rules regarding what I could do with my license. Changed DZs, CI inspected my logbook and gave me my D. Haven't looked back. Wait was your issue converting to APF or from APF? I'm wondering because I will get APF but am interested to jump elsewhere in the future.
  14. You might want to consider going to the tunnel, it will help both your stability, and possibly your confidence. Even people fresh out of AFF who go to the tunnel find it a challenge staying in one spot. Like for example, I can fly stable and in one spot in the tunnel with one hand behind my back, one hand on my helmet, both hands on my helmet, etc... just because I've worked on tunnel so much. All the best, hope everything goes great for you! (:
  15. yesh. I sure hope APF is the best because I've got no choice :p
  16. So, you've met Val then? (Don't hurt me, Val!) +1
  17. Well no instructor actually takes you back 2 steps Some instructors would you rather be better at old skills before moving on. It is useful if your sole aim is to tunnel fly, but if you have basic back and want to move to sit before jumping then yes, it is frustrating.
  18. As a regular tunnel flyer, I would suggest 15mins unless you are a REALLY slow learner. From my experience, you need time to sleep and breaks to register the information, as well as a debrief afterwards to realize things you might have been missing out in the tunnel. And I disagree with what piisfish said. You don't necessarily have to stick to the same coach. Different coaches have different tips, and you can learn different things each time from different people. I'm not saying it's better, I'm saying be open minded and you be the judge of what works for you. edit: I realised I'm very late to the discussion. Hope I helped anyway.
  19. Do you do any form of cooking? Or is all your food take out and TV dinners?
  20. Haha I'm only asking cause I'm out of the country. I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything in the meantime!