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Everything posted by youreallcrazy
It is fact he kept looking at his watch and the brief case was open and there was something green sticking out of the top folder. A gryrpmatic is effected by microwaves - but there is a magnetic field involved with the towers. All I did was create a magnetic field placed on a map in the proper places. I held the watch relative close and each time I went along and above the map - the second hand would stopand waver & hesitat a second. That was MY elementary science tess with no knowledge if would even work but it did! I have some magnetic game pieces - they were my vor and towers and gates on the dams. I thought it was my seeing something that was not there until the 3rd time and everytime it worked. WHAT the hell i t means I do NOT know. I think it mean the man in the plane was able to tell when was near the towers and he was getting a little help from below. Remember the statement about Cooepr being portly...that would have been created by his wearing the back brack and maybe the stavy had been changed out to magnets one - you would take the in and out to clean the garment. Just what kin sinsation might have been felt by Cooper I so not know....this is just dump womna theory trying to use know facts. Geez-Louise I was right! OMG!!! I couldn't be more shocked at how right you were!!!!!!!! I'm telling you, she reads things and her mind pulls those things in and transcribes them into memories somehow.
Sure Jo. On January 7, 2014 in post 50117 of this thread you typed in part... Plagiarism is when you take the work or ideas of someone else, and claim them to be your own without giving the original creator credit. Because I'm not the all seeing and all knowing God, I don't know from whom you took that information, but I don't need to know where you got it to know that YOU ARE NOT THE PERSON WHO DID ANY SUCH SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT! You keep running on at the mouth about your puter is slow and it's 14 years old, and you're a "dumb broad", and yada yada yada - but in the next breath you expect us to believe you're doing radio frequency interference experiments that are best suited for a university engineering lab?
After the FBI heard that Cooper was in the john and had been there a while, they had the FBI's HRT practice clearing him from the john. Here is a never before seen recreation of what the rehearsal would have looked like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSwbxOnMmRA
Its fun to speculate what "accessories" Cooper might have employed, e.g. brown contact lenses, radios, VOR detecting vibrating corset stays, etc, but he probably had nothing, not even an altimeter. I do wonder why Cooper spent such a long time in the aft rest room. My fantasy is that he was taking out his brown contact lenses pre jump and dropped one. It can take a long time to find such an item. 377 I think the fact that he had really hijacked an airplane and that he was going to actually have to jump out of the back up it with a bag of loot was actually hitting him. I think he either had a case of the nervous shits, or was tossing up his lunch. -------------------------------------------- Jo - I've already told you that you have my full permission to post and use whatever you believe my real name is. The fact is there is a HUGE difference between attaching someone as a person, and calling someone out on the carpet for lying. You keep accusing me of calling your home and harassing you. You keep accusing me of having more than one account on this forum. You keep accusing me of saying I was a cop and then "poofing" the post after only you read it. You're the one attacking me on a personal level with completely UNFOUNDED accusations. You're also the only who has apparently been plagiarizing websites and claiming things written by other people were her own words. Perhaps it's time someone PM a mod about you? I haven't done it. Yet. I'm still waiting for you to tell us about your experiment. I would like you to tell us all about it. Please do. Pretty please
And Blevins, I'm not giving you specifically grief about your belief. The only person here I'm giving grief to is Jo because she is making things up. You on the other hand have said that your evidence is circumstantial, and it certainly is. Taking that into consideration Kenny deserves to be a suspect. Fine, I have no problem with that. I'm not even sure it wasn't Kenny, I just believe that there is more evidence that i believe shows it wasn't Kenny than there is evidence that show it was Kenny. I think of all the possibles we have Kenny is the most possible with Duane being least possible just after Nelson Mandela and Santa Clause, but the best possible we have still isn't a match.
To me anyway, it seemed like he had "so much money" because he was a single man that worked his entire life. Because he didn't have a wife or kids to take care of, and because he purchased a house that wasn't very expensive, he didn't have much to have to blow his earnings on. NWA was unionized, and paid well. Guess what, I'm going to reveal a secret about myself - I am a former Northwest Airlines employee ! But I said I didn't know anything about Cooper until recently... That's all true. I worked there for two years while I was in college and the money was great. Sure there was one flight attendant strike, and one pilot strike while I was there, so I get that part of the story about KC being angry about it, but even still. Most normal people bitch about their jobs to family. That doesn't mean we want to rob our jobs. About Kenny digging ditches for money - hell, at the same time (this is such a huge coincidence) I was at NWA I helped my uncles dig a septic tank drain field (ditch) for my grandmother. That is what you do when someone you love needs help. I believe Kenny loved Bernie and his wife and they needed help, and Kenny wasn't working so he helped. They were drinking beer and he got some money for it. All I got was lunch! That same summer my Grandma had us put a new shingle roof on her house too. But anyway, for a never married man of KC's age with no dependent children to have $200k in the bank when he died after a long airline career is no stretch of the imagination. Hell, for all we know he could also have owned rental properties, which is almost always lucrative for someone with the skill to work it.
What Jo is trying to do is change the subject. Jo is having her schizophrenic delusions of grandeur by trying to divert attention away from another topic on the thread and back to her, while at the same time signing her post "Ms Cooper". She is also trying to divert the conversation away from the fact that, yet again, it appears that Jo has been caught making things up in an effort to support her delusions. I've already asked you Jo - tell us all about the experiment that you, the self proclaimed "dumb broad" who doesn't understand anything did. Tell us how you did it Jo. Show us you didn't make it all up Jo. We, or at least i, want to know all about it skylark71.
I was totally expecting this to be the watch in question...
That is truly awesome stuff! I admire you for being able to do a lot of those things. I have a lot to learn. I have a small HT I use now to just listen to NOAA and with local police, sheriff, and fire departments with. It transmits on 2 meters but I'm not a ham yet. I have my book and I'm starting to study though. I'd like to find an elmer to just talk with. Reading a lot of this is dull as I've always been much more of a visual and audible learner. As far as my comment goes, Jo was commenting about a CB's working with microwave towers... That is what I was trying to get at when I said it was stupid to think he was using a CB to communicate with the ground. I should have said "ground microwave towers", or just "microwave towers".
You know Jo - It seems like you were basically caught in a lie you couldn't get out of. It seemed as if you were being pinned down on something else today, but they let you off WAY to easily without any further explanation. You claim you're not a liar. Not being a liar means you don't tell us things that aren't true, and yet you said you performed an experiment using three magnetic towers and one VOR. I'm afraid I'm going to have to call BULLSHIT. You're the one who tries to get people to look up things for you because you call yourself a "dumb broad" and claim you don't understand this or that or the other, but you're just remembering things Duane told you. Then it turns out that the things you say Duane told you are word for word copied from some other website. I called you on another BS line a few days back when these fellas had you pegged for describing incorrectly (according to them) what the airline ticket copy should have looked like. Then just as soon as you were given facts to refute your story you claim it's oldtimers syndrome. Well Jo, show us we're wrong. Tell us exactly how... What model vor did you use? How did you wire it up? How did the vor even play into the experiment, I mean I thought this was about a watch? Which three microwave towers were you using - since I don't expect them to have names, how about GPS coordinates? As a little old lady who can't see to good, how did you even know there was a microwave transceiver even on the towers? Please, enlighten us. You know, I did my own experiment. Click on the picture below to see what results I found.
Here is the YouTube link. I hope it works... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ziHpB-Dw7o
Wowsers, bowsers, trousers! And I thought my children (both under ten years old) had wild imaginations! So like I told you yesterday, your childish threats of PMing mods/admins don't scare me. You're not going to run me off. I like it here. I EVEN LIKE YOU! 50% of the fun of this forum talking with you, the rest is analyzing NWA 305. I'm not going to "vow" to not talk to or about you! Oh and as far as real names go. You have my full and absolute permission to post whatever you believe is my real name. Despite all of your crazy crack-pot accusations, you've never "spoken" with me in your life, and you don't know my name to give it here. Not a soul here believes a single thing you've said about me, and nearly everyone on this thread I've met in the last couple of days who has tenure here has come out and told you so. You're the one with a major malfunction who despite all reasonable and rational talk continues to try and defame me. IT'S GETTING OLD. Now I'm going to try to be nice. In a post you wanted someone explain to you how a CB could be converted to work on microwave frequencies. Well - THEY CAN'T!!! First, let me tell you what in about 1971 a microwave radio tower would have been used for and a primary use of microwave radio at the time. Microwave radio is a high-bandwidth line-of-site data line. Data means not voice, it wasn't for people talking, it's the kind of dits and dots your dial up modem makes. High-bandwidth means that lots of information could be sent all at the same time. I'll give you an example in a minute. Line-of-site means that each microwave antenna on each tower has to be physically visible to the next one. The radio waves pass line an invisible beam from one tower directly to the next one, but they cannot pass through hills or mountains. As early as 1956 Western Union was sending up to 2,000 telegraphs at a time using it's high speed network of microwave towers. Here is a video on YouTube that was made that year which actually discusses it. So I hope you see the idea of a Citizens Band radio (CB) and Western Unions high speed data network being compatible is crazy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Now since it's stupid to think Cooper was using a CB to communicate with the ground, let's assume for the sake of assumption that Cooper had a radio of some kind. I guess that is the point Jo is getting at. I don't know about civilian, but top of the line for military at the time was the ANC/PRC 77 VHF radio, commonly called the prick 77. That radio alone had to be worn in a backpack due to it's size and it weighed 14~ plus the battery. To my knowledge they just didn't have back then little hand held jobs like we have now. The PRC 77 was "man portable". To me, that means clear and simple, D.B. Cooper did NOT have a communications radio aboard NWA 305. Does anyone disagree with that?
Mr. Blevins - Fist let me say there is nothing at all wrong with making money, and I think you can make money and still be credible. I see why you did what you did with the media gigs, but we both agree now you should have done differently. Also being that was your first attempt at writing on a subject matter of that type, you must have done an alright job because of the attention you have gotten. I pointed out the type of problems I had, I don't think I need to beat a dead horse. With regard to the $25k - you did the right thing 100% because that would have shot your credibility. Buying Lyle's rights to the story though, at least in my opinion, did cause some credibility issues. Don't get me wrong though, I believe that your goal was to solve the case and I believe that at least at the time of writing your book you firmly believed KC was your guy. Regarding the counter top, I think mrshutter45 has spoken volumes. Also I mentioned that the insulation up there is blown-in insulation that is not of the early 70's era. I'm going to give you my most honest opinion. I believe KC had the counter top installed that you have. When those counters were torn out after the home transferred ownership, the new building owner wanted to use the attic for storage, and they built that area with scrap to serve as a platform for something odd-shaped or heavy. Last thing about that counter top. I don't know if it matters or is worth the time or possible expense, but I know of two possible ways of determining the year of manufacture. First, I would start with Formica Group. They probably keep an archive of their products and with a reference point on where to start they may be able to date it for you. The second option is a private lab called ITEL Laboratories. Identifying and matching construction material such a carpet, shingles, laminate, stone, etc is their specialty. Again if it matters to you or would help the accuracy of your book, give either of them a call and they may have you send them a sample. One other thing. I read a post on here where someone said KC was gay. Is that true? If so, did he have a domestic partner - someone regularly in his life that could put some closure on the KC question? In my head I have a profile of who Dan Cooper would be, and truthfully KC very nearly fit that bill. There were just a few things that, to me anyway, have basically excluded him as a suspect. --- Oh and as far as the Noles' and spitting out football wins... It's not actually FSU, it's Florida itself. Down here we grown oranges, strawberries, and football players.
Jo I'm not going to ignore you. Despite the silly Copyright you have in your signature line, you neither own this thread, nor the D.B. Cooper story. Plus, you decided to put yourself in the public eye by going to US News and for nearly 20 years screaming to the heavens that Duane Weber was D.B. Cooper (along with a CIA operate and such nonsense). So you're going to have to face the reality - unless they ban me, I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I was given such a nice welcome, I think I'll stick around and contribute. At the very least I'm going to vocally expose whatever flawed ideas I read about, and that includes Duane (Johnnie Collins) Weber being D.Bl Cooper. You may have been able to scare off other people with your shrill threats of PMing moderators and calling the FBI, but I bet they're about as tired of your wolf cries as I am, and I've only been around it for less than a week. While it's highly unlikely that this case will ever be solved, there are some people who would like to entertain rational discussion of actual evidence. That doesn't include your 3am rants that sound like the back of a bad novel. 'Everything hurts, her mind is fogging, will the answers ever come? Or did they die that day in 1995 with the only man that ever mattered her? The answers are in the records in Puyallup. The answers are in the vaults at the CIA!'
Thanks a lot! I only know a few jumpers and each of them has only a handful of jumps. I've never been to Guam either. My OCONUS travels have taken me through the Caribbean and Europe, but never in that direction But hey, first round's on me! There is a pretty big DZ in my part of the world called Skydive City. Who knows, I may take up the sport this year. Cooper drew me to this website via a Google search, but curiosity has me looking at other things on here as well. -- I appreciate the vote of confidence Matt, thanks. Now that I've gotten it out of my system, I don't see any reason I won't be able to keep it within the navigational beacons
Which is it Jo - last night you said I was a PI who had been investigating everything and calling you from random number. Remember you posted how you made funny faces with your mouth when I was supposedly talking to you? Then you say I'm a police officer of some kind who is derelict of my duty. Now you want to me to call you up and talk to you about Alaska, and you exclaim I've never been to Washington to investigate anything? Grandiose delusions and paranoia can be associated with depression at best, and schizophrenia on the other side of the pendulum.
Thanks for the welcome everyone, I appreciate it! As far as Auburn goes - my wife would scream! She started at Alabama and then transferred to the school we both graduated from, but the Auburn hate still runs deep. Haha. As far as Blevins goes, I don't think I mind him at all. I just wanted to point out some disagreements. I feel sort of bad that I was harsh. As far as Jo goes, well, she's half the fun of this thread. I just hope the rest of you don't get angry with me for goading her. (PM me otherwise) Well, I'm off to the dinner table. It's a nippy 49deg here :-) -- BTW Jo - either get your eyes checked our your cognition checked. I SPECIFICALLY SAID I WAS NOT A LEO (law enforcement officer). If you show me a post otherwise then I'll give you a nickel.
The thing about the mortgage. I saw in Blevins video he said several times the house was purchased in "cash". I never knew that someone had researched it and determined that there was actually a mortgage on the house. That certainly takes a whole lot of weight away from the notion that KC was throwing around an exorbitant amount of money just months after NWA 305. Also, with regard to the Formica, you make a good point. If (and I'm not picking on him I swear) Blevin's assertion was that the piece of mica was a piece of scrap from the NEWLY installed counters, then the whole thing falls apart. As you said, that is not the way Formica is ordered from the manufacturer, or how it's installed. If Blevins was saying that the scrap was from the old counter top that was being removed, then his theory could still work. The only other far off possibility would be if let's say KC used a scrap piece of counter top wood that had been rough-cut with a hand saw or something and then he had a scrap piece of Formica left over that he glued to it and trimmed. But that is a stretch like the Grand Canyon. If he were looking to just make a hiding cubby hole cover, why bother gluing on the Formica and not just use the wood scrap? No, this doesn't make sense.
One of my biggest curiosities in this case so far that I haven't been able to find has to do with transcripts and recordings. Does anyone either have digital copies of the ATC transcripts or actual recordings? Additionally, was Cooper ever in the cockpit himself, and if not do we know that for certain? The reason I ask is that if he was his voice could have been picked up on the cockpit voice recorder. While those continually record over themselves in a loop, there is a fuse plug that a quick thinking flight engineer could have pulled to turn off the CVR thus saving the tape. I know, I know, if such a thing were done and in existence we would have heard about it by now. But at the same time, I read a comment on this thread where someone said the ATC transcript had been redacted something like 19 times. If the poster on this thread was accurate in what they were saying, why 40+ years later would the feds still have not released a clear text version of the ATC transcripts? Any maybe for that same reason they have never released the CVR or it's transcript. Any responses or direction appreciated.
I read in US News & World Report last night that they found records of him have a BAD CONDUCT DISCHARGE from the military and having done time in AT LEAST SIX PRISONS from 1945 to 1968. That is one heck of an "allegiance" to this country. One I think I'll pass one. He could keep it. Jo, despite everything you have said in this thread about, "the answers are locked in the vaults of the CIA" how does any of it have anything at all to do with Duane Weber being the person who hijacked NWA 305? PM the admins/mods Jo, they can email me and get my phone number and speak to me. They can check my IP address and see I've NEVER had another account on this website before. Call the FBI Jo - and tell them what? A guy on the internet in the D.B. Cooper forum disagrees with me and thinks I'm wrong? This guy whose screen name is "You're All Crazy" said I'm crazy because I keep spouting off about how my Duane worked for the CIA, and how Mr. FBI agent if you really wanted to solve the D.B. Cooper case you would march right over to the CIA building in Langley by the way! Get real Jo. Hassling and disagreeing with each other on a message board is one thing, bringing it into "the real world" is quite another. Just like I explained to Blevins about Geestman, when you start throwing around unfounded accusations of illegal activity (like when you accused me of killing that skydiving school guy and I just ignored you) and they actually come bother me with the nonsense... Maybe I'll be able to take an extra vacation this year with lawsuit money. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT
Nope, I'm not your man. Although I must admit it was fun reading some of the conspiracy theories about my identity
Now you're really being crazy. What in the world makes you think that I am whoever it is you imagined was calling you from rotating numbers? Listen, let me be completely honest with you. If, and that is a huge IF, there were really people out there who were concerned about you dragging up facts about Duane Weber killing Kennedy and MLK, why in the world would they prank call you and then hassle you on the internet for everyone and their mother to read? Let me get this absolutely clear, I AM NOT MAKING ANY KIND OF THREAT AGAINST YOU! I have no ill will towards you. I think you're just a sick old woman who clearly has some mental issues she needs some help with. But Jo, if all that nonsense you say is true, and these people were worried about you, you would die in a home invasion gone wrong and that would be the end of that. Seriously Jo - nobody is after you, especially me! Oh, and as far as plagiarizing that FBI guy's work - not a chance. My research on this case includes reading the wikipedia page (which I understand is dubious at best), watching Blevins video on YouTube, watching the Brad Meltzer episode, and maybe two other documentaries on YouTube. I also skimmed one news article that mentioned your name which said your response to DNA results that didn't match your husband was, "shrill." (I can totally picture you as shrill ) I've looked over Sluggo's website very briefly (less than five minutes there) and glanced at Blevins KC Report as I stated before. In fact -- I'm going to tell you exactly what brought me to this entire D.B. Cooper topic. Just a few days ago on the news there was this guy who had embezzled a bunch of money and then was declared dead by a Florida judge. The feds didn't believe he was dead and kept searching for him and he was caught in a random traffic stop in Georgia. My wife was telling me about this over dinner the other day. This lead us to remember another wealthy guy who about a couple of years ago while supposedly flying his airplane, but they never found him or the airplane. I asked my wife if she had ever heard of the guy who hijacked a plane and got around a million dollars in ransom money, and after he released the hostages he was flying to Canada or something and as it turned out he had snuck a parachute on the plane and jumped out never to be seen again. She had never heard of this, and so I looked it up online. I clearly had some details wrong, but it peaked my curiosity. That was about five days ago or so. So Jo, I'm not your mysterious stalker, and Duane, Frank Sinatra, and Doc didn't kill Kennedy and then jump from NW 305!
I was hoping for nothing - only reinterating the stories that have been recited for yrs by others. Read the books - it is all in the multiple books and article after the death of JFK not something I fabricated. Things Duane talked about. I do not know what the tickets looked like and don't care. What I stated was that the copy I had was NOT gold or mulitcolored! PERIOD. It was a carbon copy - I do not remember the color or the printed colors - I just remember what it said - that was my focus. I read the date out loud that night and said "This is an OLD ticket" and he replied "it use to mean something, but not any more". I would see the ticket one more time - in his sock & underwear drawer and then it disappeared. The statement I made that night was "Oh, you found that old ticket". Remember he must have retrived it from the box! If I stated a color or colors it would have been in my original communications with Himmelsbach. It is not a memory I have retained. It was a carbon, but I think some of the printing on it was red, but am uncertain of that memory after all of these yrs. It was a PDX ticket to Seattle from Portland dated Nov. 1971. And I just happened to come across this post, and I'm going to come out and say it. Jo YOU ARE A LIAR! You are an absolute liar. I believe that most of the crap you spew has a very small kernel of truth to it, but then you make a choice in your mind to exaggerate it and mold it to fit whatever you want. Then when people point out flaws in what you're saying, you say -oh, I'm one hundred and fifty years old, my mind isn't what it used to be, I can't remember details... but now that I've done a little Google search on NWA ticket stock I'll toss out it might have been red, but I remember just as sure as I sit here that it was a ticket from Portland to Seattle dated November 1971, but I'm not brave enough to say November 24th because EVERYONE would laugh me out of here for being so full of hooey. You probably found a BOARDING PASS from 1992 when he flew off to meet up with his mistress and he told you he was out looking for antiques. Jo, take my advice - drop this garbage. Go to the bingo parlor, jai alai, casino, somewhere, and meet yourself a nice old man to take your mind off this guy. I don't necessarily in any dirty way, but I'm sure there are plenty of fine gentlemen who would love to spend some time with a lady of equal vintage; or whatever.
Okay, so I'm new here. I've been reading this thread for the past two days and you people should be ashamed of yourselves. I did a Google search and ended up on this thread as of around November 24th, and in two days I couldn't even hope to read all the garbage posted here since then. Who are the common purveyors of the garbage? Drum roll please.... Jo Weber!!! Lady - you're as confused as a football bat. I read a wonderful post on here by someone who hit the nail right on the head when they explained why men would rather date divorcees than widows (not that I would know, I'm only in my 30's and happily married). Your husband was a scum bag piece of good-for-nothing-garbage. The only reason he was able to pull of his fake identity game was because it was easier to do something like that back in the stone age than it is now. You, as you admit yourself, were too ignorant to know very much about your husband when he was alive, and so now you think you can project this fanciful James Bond image on him. You want everyone to believe he was some guy who was a better vocalist than Frank Sinatra (you actually posted that ridiculous nonsense), and that Doc Severinsen and his family personally stepped in and stopped Weber from being placed in general population in prison to protect him from who knows what. Then, the CIA recruited Weber to do some job for them. -------> and somehow all of this independently unprovable, absolutely ridiculous gibberish somehow means that Duane Freakin' Weber was Dan Cooper. Not even you have been able to connect the dots on that line of illogical mind fog. Then you try to buttress it every now and again with retarded facts you think are super-secret details that everyone cares about. Guess what - NOBODY CARES! Do you what to know what else - if I assume you aren't a complete liar and you really were in contact with Max Gunther, here is the truth. You say Max with a swinger and his wife had passed. You also claim that he was very flirtatious with you. Guess what honey, he was telling you what you wanted to hear so he could knock the dust off. If you don't know what I mean I'll say it differently. He was trying to get into your panties by telling you stories because you seem very gullible. To be honest, that is probably why Duane told you so much bullshit over the years too - you seem willing to swallow quite a whopper! There is nobody, and I mean NOBODY but you who believes Duane Weber was Dan Cooper. IF YOU DON'T READ ANYTHING ELSE I WRITE, READ THIS. WHEN YOU START TALKING ABOUT WEBER'S CONNECTIONS AND ARTICLES IN SOLDIER OF FORTUNE, AND ALL THAT OTHER NONSENSE AND YOU ASK PEOPLE TO RESEARCH THINGS FOR YOU, NOBODY EVER REPLIES!!!!!!!!!! That should be bold evidence they're tired of hearing it. --------- Next on the wall of shame is, drum roll........ Mr. Blevins! So I saw your video on YouTube and the first thing I thought is that if your book is edited and put together anything like your video was, it's got to be one of the most half-assed pieces of printed material put to paper. Granted, I haven't bought it and read it so I don't know. You claim you did your thing with Cooper by investigating the case, writing the book, and now you're moving on. At the same time though, your username pops up nearly every third comment on this thread. You claim you have a problem with people saying "blah blah blah I don't care to actually type what Blevins complains about blah blah blah," but if you just left this forum for 10 days 10 DAYS all trash talking about your, regarding you, even remembering you would be gone! If I weren't concerned someone would mention you just to rig it, I would bet money this forum would forget about you completely within ten days. The same goes for Jo Weber. Now next I'm going to talk about your so called KC Report, because I've read so many times you say, "blah blah blah can't refute the KC report blah blah blah." So I downloaded it and went to a completely random page and started glancing though. I read you've edited some 51 books, so the issues I point out make me angry you lack the basic writing skills of someone who hasn't yet completed community college.... uhum... 1. You keep mentioning how people "testified." While I'll give you that technically yes one dictionary definition of testify is to talk honestly, in the context of a legal document testify absolutely means to give witness or information under oath, usually under the jurisdiction of a court with the penalty of perjury. Telling you a story is NOT testifying. If someone didn't know ahead of time the way you actually obtained this information, it could very easily be understood this was actual testimony provided in a court proceeding. 2. You continually take known fact and make assumptions from those facts and state them as truths. Example: p21, "installation that he did shortly after," and, "he had taken a pair of short 2x6 boards and nailed them inside." While it's true these things were there, and they were likely done by KC or at his direction by someone else, you have not proven that as a fact. To take it a step further, the insulation shown in the Brad Meltzer show is NOT circa 1972 insulation. That blown-in insulation is considerably newer and may even be as new as the renovation converting the structure to commercial use. My point is that attic is far from unchanged and for all we know what they found could have been just a platform built in the attic to support a heavy object. Hell, I found a lawnmower in someone's attic once while conducting an investigation - and I don't mean a new one still in the box either. 3. You say things in your report without any citations. I mean as an editor, have you ever heard of the Chicago Manual of Style? "It is believed (by whom?) that this is where," and "Alleged (by whom?) accomplice Bernard..." I'll be completely honest with you, if I were Bernie Geestman, and you had accused me of a crime in print media, television media, all over the internet, and made my life such a pain that I had to move to get away from the crazies like Jo Weber trying to call me to see if I remember Duane, Frank Sinatra, and the CIA, I would have your ass for lunch! Not physically mind you, but lawsuit wise. You have trashed this man's life, through what a jury could decide is both slander and libel, and if I were him I'd put you in the poor house. You talk about your rich family and one day you would inherit that money, chief - the judgement I'd have on you would make it so you wouldn't inherit squat. ------------- Next on today's hit list is GreyCop. I had your actual name but I don't have it at the fingertips. I won't waste too much time because you're such a nutter I think the only one who believes in you is Blevins, and he does so reluctantly. Although Blevins has no room to talk, he was right when he said you can tell a lot about a person by how they right, and you write like you dropped out in eighth-grade. ------ From my writing I hope you can all tell I'm irritated and felt that someone who wasn't a part of this community in any way needed to provide you with an unbiased opinion of you all. Last on my list is georger. You're not at all in the same league as the rest of these nutters, but I think you do like to instigate Blevins. I take it there is quite some history there. Sometimes you pick on him for no reason at all which just makes him post more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more. So maybe if you ease up he'll lay off a bit - or not, I don't know. Maybe everyone should stop ignoring Jo and just t tell her that President Eisenhower didn't ask Duane to negotiate Alaska becoming the 49th state and as a reward allowed aliens to tractor beam him up after he jumped from NW 305 - or not, I don't know.