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Everything posted by madkiwi

  1. In your environment you're going to notice the abrasion resistance difference between HMA and vectran more than usual, I would definitely recommend Vectran for your situation. Quote We offer Vectran 400 as standard for Leias now, and Vectran 550 for people wanting more longevity from their lines. I would definitely go this route for you. Also - DAMN I travelled Namibia 10 years ago before I was a jumper, now I'm absolutely frothing at the thought of jumping over Swakopmund!!! I think I'll have to make a trip over sometime soonish! Hamish - NZ Aerosports
  2. Hi everyone, looks like reviews are still pretty thin on the ground! We're working on getting more together. I won't add our thoughts on the canopy except to say that the recovery arc is definitely longer than the C2, no question. Here's a review I got from a guy in NC, USA, I have also attached a video he sent of a crosswind landing after I believe a 135 degree turn: "I love my crossfire 3 so far. I have about 50 or 60 jumps on it. Previously I flew a crossfire 2 107, my crossfire3 is a 109, both loaded at about 1.8ish I'm a better canopy pilot now than when I was on my Crossfire 2, but the differences are obvious. I had about 100 jumps on my Crossfire 2 with just starting to swoop toward the end of owning it. The crossfire3 wants to dive more and stay in the dive more, you can feel the recovery arc draw out a bit more than the crossfire 2. There's a lot of power in the rears coming out of a dive. When you hit the rears just right you can feel the added distance and it's strong on toggles to finish out the flare. Openings are just as good, if not better than the crossfire 2! I get a lot of looks and compliments on the canopy because it's gorgeous and can fly the hell out of it. Overall great canopy and I love that it's just a bit more high performance than the Crossfire 2. It gives you a great bridge to the more aggressive crossbraced canopies." Hope this helps. Cheers, Hamish NZ Aerosports