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Everything posted by brendhanbb

  1. I want to say thank you everyone who has shared their story as to why and when they jumped its been quite interesting to read :)
  2. What a super interesting story(for me it feels more then a bucket list at this point) It is hard for me to explain but its something I just know I wanna do so badly. I do not think I will be satisfied with just one jump but for now one step at time I want to get at least one tandam jump out of the way before thinking about the next step.
  3. . 19 at ft. Campbell Ky. Wanted to jump since a child. Dad was active airborne. I remember in Germany watching a demo where he stomped the X 10 to 15 feet away from me . In a double zipper jumpsuit. With para boots round belly reserve slung to the side . Under a para commander. BOOM! Stood it up. Had a military harness center punch. Released all the seatbelt buckles and cool as shit stepped away from the chute as it collapsed. I WAS hooked at 9 yo Awe what an amazing story! I have wondered a lot what kids of skydivers end up feeling when they see their parents skydiving. Did it feel like a long 10 years before you finally ended up going?
  4. What an interesting story. :) For me its something I know I want to do and at this point it will take a lot to prevent from going :)
  5. - First jump in early 1964 - 23 yrs old at the time - Wanted to make one & only one since I was 15 yrs old Jerry Baumchen how interesting seriously for me i know i want to make one jump at least but i can really see myself getting hooked on it. its been a dream since as long as i can remember.
  6. That is super mega interesting. I am 30 and I have been dreaming about it doing it for years now.
  7. So I am honestly curious how old everyone was when they made their first jump and also what made you want to jump and decide to do it. I do count tandom as a first job.
  8. also for the record i do plan to do a tandem jump for my first time but like thing is i have this feeling i will enjoy it so much i want to do a second tandem jump lol.(like i wont be planing to go solo until i have few tandem jumps under my belt)
  9. so it sounds like i may be in an interesting spot honestly i have not looked up anything yet. mostly one reason i am hesient is my french is not that great so i am worried that may be an issue. which is why i am considering a possible altrunitive but i do have a facebook friend who i know could recomend a good place to go(even though she is french)
  10. So I am honestly curious cuz i have a feeling when and if I end up doing my first jump I may end up enjoying it so much I will want to go again. My question is it it common to say I would like to go a second time in the same day. Do you have to typically book 2 in advance or can you just say I would like to jump a second time and just go on the spot(obviously if you have the money to go). Like have you ever booked twice knowing you wanted to go twice at least or know anyone who did that their first time.
  11. I apologize if I came off as brusque. Everybody's welcome here; there is no requirement to be a jumper on this forum. We mostly talk about non-jumping things in BF, anyway. Yup. No worries about it. Just be very careful about what you try to learn on here. Some of it can be very valuable and useful. Some of it... Not so much. And when you do take your FJC, do NOT under any circumstances say "But they said on to do it this way". i plan to just rely on learning from the drop zone i end up going too. i need to figure out what kind of DZ would be good for me.
  12. There are plenty . I think it took promise5 5 years before she leaped. So what is your point? i just wanted to know if anyone else on here was in the same boat as me. I apologize if I came off as brusque. Everybody's welcome here; there is no requirement to be a jumper on this forum. We mostly talk about non-jumping things in BF, anyway. thanks truth is i am still trying to figure when and how to get started like i wont lie i do not really have any plan i just know i want to do it but i have no idea how to get started.(plus its winter right now so i have to wait)
  13. There are plenty . I think it took promise5 5 years before she leaped. So what is your point? i just wanted to know if anyone else on here was in the same boat as me.
  14. to cut a long story short yes but not in the near future and i have no idea when yet but its like i know its coming.
  15. So I am someone who has not gone skydiving. I really do want to go it just has not been practical for me to go. I am just wondering if there is anyone here on this forum who has not gone skydiving or if I am the only one.
  16. this may sound strange but can i ask why you have not gone skydiving yet.
  17. So I am using a friends old account he does not use hence my name being what it is but I am here because well I kind of need some advice on something I am young too young to go jumping right now and I really want to go. So I thought I would ask on here and see if anyone experienced what I am experiencing where they were too young to go when they really wanted to go and how they manged to i guess get through it. I am uncertain if I am making any sense.
  18. Without getting specific, vaguely what part of Canada do you live in? And do you actually know any women who jump, or is the attraction to the idea? I dont mind saying i am from quebec montreal and honestly not really actaully i do not think i know anyone who has jumped before okay one person but once she did a tandom and that was it and she is awesome! one of the most amazing people i ever met lol.
  19. I just want to say I do feel like everyone who posted is taking what I wrote seriously and I have to say thank you for taking me seriously and not making fun of me or insulting me or telling me its a wired creepy thing it means a lot that you are keeping an open mind about this :)
  20. Skydiving to meet women is like joining the Navy to meet women. The odds are no bueno. This is true! At the same time this does not change the fact that I find women who want or do go skydiving attractive for some reason.
  21. yeah that is true its just not that simple for me sadly. I have never gone once yet like i said before for reasons and in all honestly I am not even sure where to begin. A big factor is I do not have the time or money to invest in skydiving at the moment.
  22. Cool I am glad to hear it! Honestly I also its not a strange or weird that i wrote that or said that.
  23. So I am not sure if this the best place to put this. I just feel like I really would like to get this out there I am attracted to women who go skydiving. The funny thing is I have yet to go skydiving for a number of reasons. I want too one day but truth is I also want to meet women who go skydiving cuz I am attracted to them. Its more I am attracted to women who are adrenaline junkies but yeah if you have gone skydiving that is pretty awesome in my book. I guess I am writing this to see if anyone responds and also to see if anyone else is attracted to people who go skydiving(or at the very least want too badly)