I traveled all the way from my country (Bangladesh) to Thailand to do the AFF course and if possible get my A license. I'm paying ~2500$ for aff and made an advanced payment of nearly a thousand dollars. My instructor, Graeme Black, is an awesome and very cool guy. He talked to me and motivated me in such a way, I felt very little fear while going for the first tandem. I first felt the fear when I sat on the door of the plane for the jump, but that was OK too. The freefall was also OK I guess, but the parachute opened, the huge jerk made me so scared! And my tandem instructor (Slava,he was also pretty cool) then talked to me and said something like let's have fun and made huge spins all the way coming down. I could not take that as I am very prone to motion-sickness(has serious problems with the theme-park rides like roller coasters - immediately triggers my chronic migraine headache pain). So the same thing happened here too - when I got down I puked a lot, my serious migrane headache was back, I felt so nauseous that I could not stand up and I had to lie down in the dz for around 2 hours.
Seeing my reaction to the jump, naturally Graeme got very worried and he suggested me to consult a doctor before I jump again and also insisted that I take another tandem before continuing to my AFF. He also tried to talk me out of this idea of skydiving(obviously for my safety) and told me to accept the fact that this sport is not for everyone.
I borrowed a hell lot of money for this, took 2 weeks of vacation against the will of my boss for this and now I'm stuck in this embarrassing and sad situation. I'm also feeling so down and sad, because I want to do this. Do you have any suggestions for me?
Thanks in advance.