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Everything posted by vintxrgr

  1. yeah I know its an interesting yoga form :P , but it does work for me and it makes keeping a canopy twice the size of mine a lot easier to the get in the bag for anyone i've shown struggling on their knees, I figured it out struggling with a brand new set 400 I had to put in a 365 bag everyday, but it works great on all bigger canopies to keep the stack tighter than putting a knee on it....for me and thanks for the input! I rushed through the rest of it since I wanted to do it twice from different angles. I am going to go back and re do this with a large student canopy or a tandem and just start from laying it down, or take the time to do it ALL right every take and not just rush through it to show how to bag it. I knew the skill level of the person this was intended for and what they were having issues with and focused on those, if I am going to post something publicly I should take everyone's skill into account, not just the person I know who is struggling to learn how to bag tandems, I deleted my post but I guess it did not delete the thread, i'll repost the link when I make an update. Yes if I had stacked nicer the rubber band issue would not exist, but I see tons of people dragging bands across nylon and the damage from it when I pack for fun jumpers so I do think its important to show a way to avoid damage when your having a hard time with it. oh and not saying anything about what happens when you dont tie your risers and how if you should check the length and repack if super uneven like shown was an editing mistake, the clips there but muted for some reason thanks for pointing it out!
  2. Hey guy's! I put together a packing video for a few people that were asking me what I do specifically, like holding the stack with my chin rather than my knees, here's the link I know that my techniques work, but I would really like some feedback on my delivery, explanation and any input to make myself a better packer! I got positive feedback from who the video was intended for so I decided to clean it up and post on youtube and maybe make some more videos, I already know I need a better microphone and cleaner rigging area, but any constructive criticism or ideas is VERY welcome!
  3. remember 3rd! followed by over rotating the gainer too soon and slamming the back of my head into the otter step erm I mean at least thats how I THINK it would go......hypothetically of course
  4. figured with the diversity of skydivers i've met I might be able to find a couple people to help with a project! currently working on a canopy simulator using the UE4 engine and a modified version of the hang glider demo blueprint, and I just about have it flying similar to a student or 1:1 canopy and working great with oculus rift DK2 support, but I still need help with alot, such as going from the hang glider model to both the canopy pilot and wing having proper physics, winds, adjustable pilot weight/wing type and size etc. I have some experience with modding, scripting and 3d modeling, but this is my first project involving C++ and creating something from scratch. my goal is to get a working prototype of the canopy flight physics so that I can start developing an input device system for toggles, front and rear risers and harness lean, which I have already started working on toggle/riser usb hardware but will need help on the software side of that as well. if you'd like to know more shoot me a private message, otherwise stay tuned as i'll be posting updates once things start to look more like a canopy simulator ;)
  5. Hey guys, with all the bad weather and being stuck inside I got bored and created a skydiving and base meme page on facebook since the other one wasn't being updated or used, and we are just about to break 100 members :D Planning on doing some contests like "caption this picture" or "best swoop meme" with skydiving tee shirts and stuff as prizes. Right now everyone should be able to post freely, but if the page gets huge or lots of spam we may take it down to submissions and add more moderators. It would be awesome to see what kinda cool stuff you guys come up with! were planning to do our first contest when we break 150 members so look out for when we post the rules and lets see some funny submissions! link to page
  6. when I went on a trip to DC all the boys had high hopes of such festivities (without the child part of course) when we got to the hotel, but as we soon found we wouldn't be getting any much less making eye contact with a female for more than a few seconds without the raging christian parents that volunteered screaming at us lol
  7. hope we can all get jumps in friday! happy holidays y'all!
  8. So says the guy who cannot type, keyboard, spell worth a fart in the wind. Jerry Baumchen so says the guy who uses 2 verbs that have essentially the same meaning to put down the guy who can not type
  9. thanks! ive got 1300 in the bank atm, at texas skydiving center its 1200 to do 1-7 and a packing class, groundschool, SIM and log book is included, its the best deal ive found so far I was interested to try to find out what it takes to pack mains? from what i understand I dont need a riggers ticket unless I was packing reserves. is there any qualifications to pack mains? I am slightly limited on funds due to being between jobs and dont want to pick up a job just to quit in 2 months when I leave for training for my new job :/ I am going to talk to the DZ staff once I get my 7th jump done about toilet scrubbing trash picking upping etc. and of course ill be selling off everything unrelated sporting wise after my first jump, anyone want a good radar detector/nice paintball setup/frettless base guitar? ;D
  10. haha much safer than being on 2 wheels with all those idiot drivers out there, hell judging from the car crash downtown austin its safer than going to a music festival! im pretty worked up about it, I feel like when I was a kid on my way to pick up my first mx bike, never ridden one but I just knew in the bottom of my heart it was going to be the best thing was/is I just got dis heartened when I wrecked a street bike and watched my pro-am career flush down the tubes when I was just breaking into the part of the sport where I had sponsors and started getting paid. I am approaching skydiving with no intention but to have fun same with base if I ever get that far. no plans on being the next jeb corliss or jokke summer just a different way to get my knees in the breeze ;) im already obsessed reading reviews on gear and putting together a wish list of everything besides actual rig since I need to learn more about wingloading and chute sizes before i pick out a pretty container that wont fit what i need to start with :P
  11. Well i gotta through in my 2 cents ;) skins replacable, I checked the hard way but im still pretty dashing (well I think so atleast), ive been riding 10 years and wont touch a 2 wheel death machine without a helmet, got my 250cc endorcement when I was 15 and hit a deer 2 days before my 16th birthday, woke up half way through my bitter 16 to a room of people crying cause I woke up and the doc said I might not, 28 broken bones 2 fractured vertibre. Helmet saved my life, jacket saved alot of skin but jeans didnt help much lol. 750, 000 bucks worth of surgery and 2 months in a in patient rehab hospital later I was back on 2 wheels with 0 metal plates in me, I hate to be doom and gloom but im 21 covered in tattoos and reguarded as a "badass" to some and ill never be cought either without a helmet or drinking and ridinging.....wheelies, speed limits, splitting lanes etc are much safer than riding with no helmet
  12. [Quote "ianyapxw"]Good choice with your money
  13. here in texas have 5 mongrel dogs in the back of your truck is as normal as having one of those tree shaped air fresheners, im always so worried for them and myself in case one sees a rabbie and decides to jump -.- and yeah im not sure about where you'll be but here in texas and some other states you have to carry extra insurance to ride without a helmet and if you get pulled over and you dont have the right coverage its a pretty hefty ticket. I always wear a full face because A: I feel like some kind of badass power ranger and B: you gotta protect the money maker! (I also wear a jacket to keep my washboard safe ROFL)
  14. so im new here but had to throw this out we cant talk about religion, but we can talk about boobies....... but boobies are worshiped like a religion :D but I am guessing the only reason its okay is due to the fact no one is going to argue over boobies being good or bad.....I mean......who doesn't love boobies?
  15. +10 if not for anything but the insurance and they usually have all different styles of stuff to take the class on scooters, cruisers and dual sports at least where i took mine saddle bag=2 groceries hooks, and ive seen plenty of pink rebels haha also you dont HAVE to keep the rubber side down, just as long as you keep the shiny side up ;) yes I tend to replace back tires twice as much as fronts, If I ever got pulled over I plan to tell the cops the economy forces me to wheelie everywhere due to the economy XD
  16. oh god I hate to be "that guy" on my second post but here I go....... motorcycle people wouldnt know anything about scooters because most of us die hard morcycle riders wouldnt be caught dead on one :D that said I have seen LOTS of honda ruckus's around austin and know they get amazing gas millage. BUT are you willing to take the safety loss of a scooter over a motorcycle for the gain of MPG? as far as 2 vehicle accidents scooters are far more likely to get merged into or hit by a driver not paying attention because you dont have the power to "scoot" out of the way of that guy changing lanes without looking. a Kawasaki ninja 250 costs as much as a scooter and looks like a speed demon, goes about 120-140 depending whos on it and whats done to it and gets 80+MPG on the flip side the honda rebel cruiser (think harley or traditional style bike) gets the same gas millage does about 80 or 90 and is a very comfortable ride for a noob rider. i know you said you dont "need" to go over 50 but when your doing 45 and someones tailgating you and that guy in the 80s honda with no mirror decides to get over you'll wish you that extra umph to getcha out of the way . dont mean to be a scooter hater just seen, and herd of lots of accidents here in austin due to them not being able to break quickly or accelerate out of the way.
  17. Hey guys n gals! the names Brian. I have been interested in the sport for a LONG time now, ive been something of a thrillseeker since my early teens, starting with motocross but branching into downhill longboarding, streetbikes, cliff jumping (into water for now) and pretty much anything else that I could find to do that sparked my interested I was working as a tower climber for a short while but didnt like my company so now I do fiber and electrical drops in a bucket truck :P since turning 21 I have strayed away from the "party get wasted at the bar" scene and wanted to pursue better highs than all my friends are willing to settle with. doesnt mean I dont like to get a beer, id just rather put my hard earned cash towards memory's I can actually remember ;) I have got the cash in the back stowed away for my first 7-8 jumps. from what I understand (please correct me if I am wrong) after I do those jumps I can "self supervise" and jump with just a coach? I am looking for some cool people to jump with and maybe someone to coach me though the rest of my jumps, and anyone who's willing to fill me in on the sport ! I cant wait till it stops being windy and rainy EVERY WEEKEND!!!!!