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Everything posted by Core27

  1. I am an atheïst, I don't smoke and I sometimes drink. I'm just promoting this subject because I believe that cannabis has many positive effects (f.e. on people and legalizing would decriminalise and decrease price. You should just compare how many deaths war through religion have caused compared to people overdosed on cannabis (millions versus 0)... Now can you shut up? I would've gladly shut up without your request. I wish you luck on your quest to approve just another crutch for the weak minded. May their ambition rest in peace...
  2. The problem is that he is using science, and polluting it...even deGrasse called him out on it. So A) how is he forcing beliefs on anyone? He's a condescending asshole who doesn't know how it all started... I present my beliefs on this forum all the time, and for that many athiests consider it as if I'm shoving it down their throat...aka forcing it on them...I'm sure you've heard normiss crying about it... You got me all wrong Sir...I have no problems with evolution. If God made a fat tree appear right before my eyes yesterday, and then a biologist came along and told me the tree was here for 100 years, I would understand why he believed that. If people didn't falsely use science against the idea of God, then I doubt we'd have these problems... People use the idea of evolution to dismiss God, but they have know idea how it all got started. If you don't believe in God, fine, but leave science out of it.
  3. The debate to prove or disprove God is futile. However, Christ can be experienced if you have the courage to surrender and ask Him to come into your life. Once you experience Him and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the understanding of God becomes self evident. Change "Christ" for "Allah" and Muslims will say EXACTLY the same thing, and be just as correct. Not true. well in their defense they haven't even tried...hell, they can't even get their analogies right.
  4. OK now I am certain you are trolling. Your measure is completely off...try again.
  5. This is a petition for people who want the European parliament to vote on the issue. There is no voting against. You are just one angry person... Ya, I'm angry against the hypocrite atheists who call the religious weak minded and then go smoke a joint/drink to deal with life. I know the people here and what they do...I have no problem bringing it up in this thread.
  6. The problem is that he is using science, and polluting it...even deGrasse called him out on it.
  7. Religion has nothing to do with my question. Please leave this conversation since you asked to leave you out of it. It does fit...I ask to leave me out of your vote...if you wanna smoke pot, what business is it of mine? You want to force me to vote? Then I vote no!
  8. Hmmm - because Christians clearly don't smoke pot, drink or eat spicy food? Not sure why you have brought religion into this one. I brought it because it's's what's on my mind. Atheist here bring up weak minded christians but their posts resemble that of pot heads... This forum is notorious for pointing out hypocrisy...
  9. Again, I think you have it backwards. Evolutionary biologists aren't "out to get" religious people, they are just explaining the facts. Even dick dawkins forces his beliefs onto much more the ignorant atheist? Everything would be fine if they just kept science with science instead of crossing their bounds and using it against God...they are a disgrace to science, much like westboro is a disgrace to christianity.
  10. I've seen the damage that cannabis can do...if the government (people) want it, then fine, just leave me out of it... I also know it can do some good, but again, leave me out of it... Also,its sad how many atheists call christians weak minded, but then have to smoke pot/drink to deal with life...or whatever vice that has them enslaved. Christ is there to free you...He's your last and only hope...because, lets face it, no 12 step program is gonna keep you clean...
  11. Evolution shows us clearly how things work as we see it. I think many religious people are skeptical not because of what evolution is, but how many people want to use evolution against the idea of God. Let's face it, do religious people really understand evolution? They pretty much only learn/hear of the concept from antagonistic atheists. It's the same with idiot atheists...they never really studied evolution. Maybe they had a class or two in elementary school or high school...or not, but all of a sudden, they're on the internet forums as evolutionary biologist experts condemning the concept of God... Why should they? who cares? what benefit does the knowledge of evolution serve other than to the biologists who can take advantage of that knowledge? If that knowledge would do nothing for them, why would they accept it when it's forced down their throat by atheists falsely using it to dismiss God? I'm not trying to be closed minded...I just think that people would obviously be humbly agnostic if they did not know, such as Einstein...Atheism seems to be much more of a defensive ideology. It has to acknowledge the concept of God...a concept that they take offense to. I just want to know why? Did they inherently come to the idea themselves only to reject it, or did they base the idea on some negative external influence? Hint: It's a loaded question
  12. Take your pick - the evidence for each is identical. If you were wondering around this world with no external influence of God, could you not see yourself looking up to the sky and asking yourself, why? who? You have a tendency of avoiding direct questions...I'm guessing this question will be no'll be to chicken shit to give an honest answer without being some type of arrogant smart ass...or you'll avoid completely.
  13. Ya, I'm a big proponent of that separation...I certainly don't want your atheistic government imperialism in my faith. Thank God He protected us from you people... Then you sit here and wonder why contention exists... get a clue...
  14. Not debating that we don't know the answer to that. I'll tell you one thing though - "the magic sky wizard did it" is not a terribly likely answer. Maybe not, but to call someone delusional for even believing that there might be some intelligence behind the organization represents a person of dick-headed proportions... My argument is against ignorant atheists, especially those who never even studied evolution nor really understood it, who feel the need to blindly parrot it as if it was even plausible "evidence" against the idea of God...
  15. There is no doubt some truth to that... Scripture actually teaches against "religion." This is where you actually have to give yourself over and actually study the bible for what it actually says in all of is historical, cultural and circumstantial context, along with the original's not easy and it's apparent you're ignorant of it. None of this knowledge is actually necessary for "salvation," but it might help to have somewhat of a basic knowledge if you'll be harping against it... Btw, what's your definition of mentally weak? I know of a lot of atheists who also fit that description...
  16. You think far too much of yourself. Your thoughts and opinions are about as important as your empty profile, so why should I give a fuck? Meh. Go live in your fantasy world where I care about you or what you have to say. Fine by me. There is a reason for empty profiles on this forum for obvious reasons...I'm sure you're quite aware of them. ...besides, wasn't it you who said that your favorite tactic is to "limit your overall exposure" with regard to attacks and data collection? I post on this forum to argue, to provide insight, to hear various perspectives, and at times to be a complete obnoxious asshole...It also gives me a reference to my faults and areas of my life where I can improve. I come here with complete anonymity, with multiple names, ideologies and IP addresses. I just hope some poor innocent soul doesn't lose his job over it... Also, there are many other people on this forum who "think too much of themselves," namely, stayhigh, but you don't bother to point it out because you agree with them... BTW, if you don't give a fuck, why did you respond?
  17. How did it all start then? You'll be famous!
  18. You already said that that religion preys on the weak and poor, primarily for money, right? Why wouldn't they use it also for power/money though war as well? Taking advantage of religion for ill gotten gain does not equate to one who may have true faith. Now you may use these ills to bolster your disbelief, but that only goes to support my belief that for people to call themselves atheist, they must've had a negative experience with the concept of God in one way or another...
  19. Evolution is not a law. It is a theory. A study of the Scripture in both the Hebrew and the Christian writings lead to the understanding that God had a pre-defined goal. Well, evolution of man (how we got from single celled organisms in the primordial ooze to man and all the other species on earth) is a theory. It can not move beyond that because the steps in the process cannot be tested repeatedly to prove it scientifically. Exactly, nor do they know what started it any intrusion into peoples faith by citing evolution will be treated with contempt, and rightly so.
  20. If you think this world would be all rainbows and jellybeans without God, then you have a serious comprehension problem with the facts of history... Also, Albania was the first official atheistic did that all turn out?
  21. Can't disagree with you on any of your points. Really? The guy said that if you believe in God, you are the cause of 9/11..(and they call us delusional) He's basically the ideological equivalent of Westboro, but from a different angle. You can't reason with these types of people. In his previous posts, this guy said he actually stalked Jehovah witnesses...he preached about unicorns as they went door to door. When they finally grew weary of his contempt, they walked away...he said that this proves their faith was weak. Do you really think you can get through to such a guy with nice words and reason? Jehovah's, as wrong as they are, are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. This guy is just ironically gish galloping through every one of his posts... I'm sorry, but I would not roll over for a guy with such blatant, deliberate contempt. The only other cheek that will be turning is my butt cheek for him to kiss. He should know better... Matthew 11:21-24 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to Hades. For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.”
  22. Scientists observe many things they don't understand, do they just give up? I'm sure some young ignorant thug may give up...he may say something like, "this science nonsense is wack yo, it don't make no sense...WTF!?"
  23. Or just maybe they just don't buy into this god gibberish But right there, that comment is displaying an element of negative external influence that would affect ones decision... If you had only your observations without any external influence with regard to the concept of God, could you really look at the complexity of this world without even considering the possibility of an intelligent entity that may have organized it? I just moved into a new office is complete chaos, and it has been that way for the past 2 months. I could wait a billion years and I doubt it would resemble anything that could be considered organization unless a conscious, intelligent being intervened.
  24. Don't sin if you don't want to perish...thankfully, the "time" has been paid by our lord Jesus Christ. Death is easy, but the second death is hard time. I'm willing to leave the most hardened criminal in the hole for as long as he can live if it gives him a chance at redemption... Isn't that what it's all about? Redemption? Redemption of our soul? John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. When I was imprisoned, hardly anybody was going to bible study - just me and another the end of my stay, practically everyone in our wing was lining up anxiously awaitng to learn the truth. These guys can be reached... Edit: Let's just let the DP go...there are only 25-50 executions per year anyway. It's not worth wasting our time fighting that battle...I'd much rather spend that time fighting the ideological battle of abortion, specifically, the nearly 2000 late term abortions performed each year in this country...which is down nearly 50% in the last 10 years, thanks be to God.
  25. Perhaps the answer is not so perplexing: For even the most basic theist, they see the organization of nature...perhaps even the beauty. This gives rise to a sense of causality. To deny it may be perceived as an insult to humanity...those who are confident in their faith may even take it a bit more personal. This idea is only amplified/exemplified when they finally read Romans 1:20 - "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." For the Atheist, perhaps they've had a negative experience with the "fetters of indoctrination" experienced sometime in their youth. Maybe others have had bad experiences with controlling parents and have objections to any type of authority. Perhaps others just see the damage that religion has caused in the world and feel that all society's ills could be solved with God's demise. Given these, I can understand atheistic "evangelism," but imo, to call oneself an atheist, they must've had a negative personal experience with religion that gives rise to their reproach, otherwise they would identify with the likes of Einstein, who said: "I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being." ...and finally there are others who may just be pure evil, they claim to be theists or atheists, but only exist to create turmoil.