Hello, Kevin Ho here, I can tell you of one incident where a jumper at exit grabbed the inside edge of the door bulkhead as he exited and was pushed by a friend whereupon said jumper was swung into the side if the fuselage. This incident of course had nothing to do with our equipment. In short "jumper error".This same jumper made a second jump without incident The second I believe is my reserve ride at 25,000 ft. Complete details of this small adventure are posted on www.halojumper.com in the questions page. My first , but a doozy. Thanks Jay for your support (don't log on with my password, I know where you live) I admire the home DZ support from WTS and Skydance jumpers, loyalty is a character trait in short supply today. WE have taken over 100 skilled skydivers to 30,000 ft in the past year, 56 of those at the World freefall convention in August. We set 7 state records, as well as 7 POPs and 1 SOS altitude record. WE have been fortunate to meet some great individuals in our skydiving community and for many their 30,000 ft jump was a personal achievement that I took great pleasure in being able to bring them. Our credentials and safety record speak for themselves and as always I extend an invitation to any jumper to visit us and see for them selves. Constructive criticism is always welcome when based in fact and can only improve an already great opportunity to go where very few have gone before, be it with Tad Smith at Skydance or with us. For additional information feel free to contact me at www.halojumper.com
Climb High/Fall Safe