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Everything posted by deeblek

  1. When I think of Dan, I will always remember once specific day at Estrella. During my "confidence jump" a dust storm rolled in out of nowhere, blew me backwards across the desert where I landed quite a distance from the drop zone - breaking my ankle in the process. Anyway, Dan was one of quite a few people who carried me out of the desert that day, and was there in my room after I woke up from surgery. Soon after that, while I was still in my cast, Dan broke one of his legs snowboarding - so we were quite the pair hanging out together at the drop zone! What I'd like to tell you about Dan, is something that I am sure you already know - he was the nicest, sweetest and funniest guy that anyone could ever have the privilege of knowing, and he will be missed by many. I am blessed to have known him.
  2. My rigger insists that i pull my handles before i give it over. I like that and him. Period.