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Everything posted by jetfuelbabe

  1. I can see your still the jealous one. My, how some things never change...............
  2. Tick..Tick..Tick.. Just 17 short days until the BEST event of the year!!! You don't want to miss out on this one. Check out the website for all the details, see the flyer, and get the scoop on Robert Smiths plans on the Freefly Events.
  3. Any organizing going on and will there be a registration fee? Looks like good weather for the weekend. Time to pack a bag and head North for a few days. Is there a place on the DZ to stay or are there hotels nearby? I heard $20.00 jump tickets? That true.
  4. We are pleased to say that the final touches are being done for the June 21st & June 22nd Grand Opening Weekend!!! Houston's newest facilty will be operating the King Air all weekend with jump ticket prices ONLY $15.00 both days!!!! We are looking forward to seeing some familair faces, as well as meeting new folks. Don't forget, Saturday night there will be a cookout with all the fixin's (that's Texan for side dishes) and plenty of beer to celebrate the occasion. We would also like to inform everyone who has friends & family members who have always thought about making a Tandem jump, but for whatever reason have not, we offer them the most exciting "thrill of a lifetime" for the low, low price of only $129.00. Make no mistake, this is not a Grand Opening Special, nor does it only run for the month of June, this is it, now, next week, next month, (need I go on) ONLY $129.00. So, come out and play, stay awhile, and see whats new in the Houston area. FYI......Early bird your lift tickets at Skydive San Marcos prior to the Grand Opening, and it will only cost you $13.00 per ticket.(Sorry, no exceptions) That's right baby, WE ROCK!!!!! 1-800-FREEFALL See you there............
  5. We are pleased to announce the return of Orly King to Skydive San Marcos!!! Orly will be here this weekend, May 30th & 31st sharing with us his knowledge and love of the sport. The response we had when he was here last month was unbelievable. It truly was a sight to see the young Freeflyers as well as the seasoned Freeflyers all come away with some positive vibes. So, make your plans now and head over to SSM for some fun this weekend. Remember, there is always plenty of cold beer on Saturday night, something cooking on the grill, and you never have to worry about shelling out extra cash for a registration fee!!!!!
  6. Let's start the summer right with some Hot Central Texas Fun!!!! Friday through Monday, lift tickets only $15.00. Yep, that's right, only $15.00 all weekend long. Raft Jumps, Hoop Jumps, and whatever else we can find in our storage closet. Fajitas on Saturday Night, along with the ever popular beverages of choice.(Imagine, you get both food & beer FREE and don't even have to pay a registration fee) AND..........If you can manage to get your lazy %@#* out of bed on Sunday morning and get the first load up by 8:30A.M. it will only cost you $5.00!!!!!! Hope to see all of you this weekend for some great skydives, awesome weather, and a kickbutt party Saturday Night!!!
  7. Just wondering.....has anyone heard if the record attempts at Skydive Spaceland were successful?
  8. Has anybody heard from or know where to reach Taylon Starr? Lost touch with her a couple of years ago, and would like to know "whats up".