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Everything posted by somethinelse

  1. I have a wonderful goofy sweet Boxer mix that we got at a pound as a puppy. I also have Jack Russell Terrier. Inside, they usually chill cuz they know not to be too hyper, but will play fetch for as long as you are willing to tire them out. As a note about Pitbulls, my sweet Boxer, who at home lets the Jack Russell be alpha, was being a silly pup playing with a golden at the Dog Park, when a pit came tearing out of no where from the far end and attacked unto my Boxer's neck. For no reason. Unprovoked. I've got family that swear about the sweetness of Pits, But that episode firmly changed my opinion for sure. :-(
  2. Tandem is a good way to introduce someone to skydiving, and a safe was to re-enter the sport after a long time away from it. IN my humble opinion. :-P
  3. It's been quite a while since I've jumped. I really Jones for it sometimes, but no longer have any equipment, and in all honesty, it's expensive! So I'm curious. What is more affordable: a Drop Zone or a Skydiving Club? Also: I know of Michigan DZs, but are there any Skydiving Clubs in Michigan? I'd like to go again this next year and introduce my daughter to the sport, with (at least initially) tandems for us both. Thanks to all who will give me their input. I'll check back later on. :-)
  4. Have you ever considered dating women who may have had kids already, but that are older, or have grown up and are on their own?
  5. oh dude. Do NOT do PayPal gift. They track sales and have lots of safety and security guidelines but NOT for gift. That's suppose to be strictly for like cash wires to friends and family. Sound fishy to me. I just sold a rig thru the classifieds here, and went thru PayPal as a seller, and she as a buyer. Legit. Be careful.
  6. Yep. Stuff happens. Just need to find your balance and get your muscles stronger to be able to do all that ya need to do. When I thinking of getting my own bike, a friend lent me his 250 enduro dirt bike to practice with. What great fun! But it had a difficult kick start that gave me an ugly assortment of bruises when it wouldn't start and the kick start came back and hit me! Ouch. Or in the middle of No-Where stall, and unable to kick start it... I'd either have to get a push start from somebody if anyone was around... or walk the thing to a hill somewhere so i could get roll downhill to get the engine to turn over. Ahhh. What memories. Keep after it though. You'll get the hang of it.
  7. "Decent" shape? Well, I dunno..l. BUt it is "serviceable" because it is old. But all things considered, if the price is right, usually somebody'll buy it, it right??
  8. Help! Can somebody help me out? I don't know if this is the right place or not to post this, but hopefully somebody'll set me straight either way... I bought old gear for my first gear, but I really didn't know what I was doing. And well, now I want/need to sell it, and not really sure how or where to do that. It's Vector II with a PD F-111 210 9-cell main and a Swift Plus 175 Reserve. I took it to Skydive Chicago to get any repairs and to get it completely check out. It's overdue for a reserve repack.
  9. Using the ER for something that an office visit could do for you IS REALLY EXPENSIVE. ou really should find a local General Practioner near you, that has a flexible schedule for office hours for whenever you need a Doctor. Schedule a general appointment and get a file set up with him or her. My Dr's practice has several doctors and vary between three of them when I need to get in for whatever.
  10. well... duh... chicks like to hang out here for the guys. If they (we) just hung out in the Womens Forum only, well, then you guys would need to come over there to talk to us, No wait. Guys DO do that alaready! See, we're just learning from you guys how to do it.
  11. Well, duh, if a woman can "squeeze out" a baby... But then again, just because something is possible, does not necessarily mean that that something would be a good thing to do.
  12. Are you carrying a pack? And are you "done"? or are you gonna Hike/camp on to another point? Super-light or packed with nice extras and goodies??
  13. hmmm. So are you saying that it was a break up out of "convenience" or kindness then?? Are you living back in the same area now? Are you friendly and both free to check things out again? If so, why not. But dont take anything for granted, and let things develop naturally and as they will.
  14. "...who have that 'baggage' " or would it actually be a 'history' together...?? That isn't necessaryily a bad thing. But then again there is a lot (positive) to be said for a fresh (different, new) start with someone when there aren't any preconcieved ideas about one another...
  15. wow. you really want people to answer this question? most that will are quilty as charged. would be nice to see a least several really interesting posts on here at a time when I (infrequently) come in here to see what's new, interesting or exciting... and hope to have a lively discussion other than the usual convo that's taking a an increasing speed in a swirl down the porcilean. Oh well. That's why I don't come into here all that often, and pick and choose the convo I take part in.
  16. altho I did read the part of the OP concerning the email that the coach sent out originally, I didn't read all of the coach's resignation email. I've always thought that humor, sarcasm, and irony is extremely difficult to get across in the written form. Best to be obvious, in a way that cannot be misunderstood- as the coach seems to feel that it was. Misunderstood. But frankly, my opinion is that altho the coasch tries to say, after the fact that it all was meant in jest, I kinda think that the coash was in fact some what serious with the tone of the letter. The best part of the origianl letter, and perhaps would have said everything and in apositive tone would have been simply to have used the last prargraph in the original email as the opening and guide for the whole original letter in the frist place.
  17. Thanks! That was one of those words that ya use a lot but seldom spell. If you haven't been able to tell yet from any of my other posts, I don't have spell check! You other people should check out Outside mag if you haven't yet... Lots of great ideas for fun outside stuff to do...
  18. Too cool! There's a really interesting article in this month's Outside magizine featuring a Colorado base jumper... They used him as a gunhea (sp?) pig to do brain imagining comparing addrenilline junky- thrill seeker types to more sedate people for brain functioning differences... Really interesting! But I'm not surprised that thrill seekers actually experience the world in general differently! Or for that matter, actually think, feel somewhat differently in general... So! What do you all think about that?
  19. whatever ya do, especially as a newb, is to have it in a place that you can choose or not to choose for it to show. A tasteful above all... Remember a tattoo is forever. And most of us go thru lots of different reinventions of our selves, and a tatt goes right along with us to and thru everyone of them. I have a winged tatt on my hip... but is something I got a long time before I ever got into this sport... For me it always symbolized freedom.. AndBut then again, that's what I love about skydiving too....
  20. Hi Brandon. My name is "LuLu" (yeah, riiiight... But I can call myself whatever I want to right?) but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) But anyways! Some of these Stuuupid posts NEED a 'thread killer'
  21. whoa. too bad! HE was a lot of fun, and crazy in an interesting and had some half way intelligent posts too. Banned for a while or like forever??
  22. Rhino? Or how about Dove?? When I first came on to this site, they were posting lots and lots. There's lots of others that have come and gone over the years, and once in a while, I think of one or another, and miss somebody... yet dont know why they've gone... or have a TON of people stayed on here, but for this reason or toher just changed their names on here, so as to "start over again" becuase of embarrassment or whatever... Just curious to what ya'all think. So, what do ya think??
  23. Nataly, maybe you should take a "Day of Rest" on this fine Sunday day, give the a rest, take a nap. Then waking you'll feel refreshed. Grap a cup of coffee and then contemplate, with a clear head, getting out and about. Break out of the usual same old same old. Go out and do something new, fun or different. Be unique. Be original.
  24. Some people seem to spend crazy amount of time on the computer rather then really out and living a full and balanced life. Places to go. Things to do. People to see. Get out there and really live people. Life is an adventure. Find something new, fun or exciting to do today.