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Everything posted by somethinelse

  1. HI. I'm similar to you, having had "issues" and such with sensory overload & some fears& worries etc. Actually I just finished up my training program and will be getting my A... BUT this is the second time that I have attemtped to get thru "the program"! AFF can be really over-whelming & intense. Turned out for me, that an integrated program offered at my dz- Starting with a tandem-(I'd made 4 others at another dz) then static line jumps- and progressing to IAD jumps w/an instructor was a better fit for ME. I think Static Line gets a bad rap too often. It really is a good option to consider. It really helped me to be able to exit, feel comfortable with sensations, learn how to control canopy & land okay AND staic really built up my confidence considerably. Hope this helps some!
  2. Yesterday clinched it for me... Did the last 2 jumps needed to make up the 25 required...and finished up ALL REQUIRED PROFICIENCY CARD tasks/skills needed, too! Just need to talk to our saftey dude& get whatever all needs sending in. I am SO PSYCHED now! I was major worried that I would not get thru with all that I needed to do before our dz closed down- BUT I DID IT - but with only one week to spare!
  3. Personally I think it's much more common for dynamic, active guys to be attracted to active &attractive younger women and vice versa. CLASSIC really. Younger women can be attracted to you just cause your COOL, good looking and Exciting... - HEY AREN'T ALL SKYDIVERS EXCITING?!! Plus older guys ususally got it together financially, right? (Some sweet young things look for a "Sugar Daddy" so careful if that's a possibility!) But all that aside, personally I'll consider +-10 years. I like the reply that said, divide your age in half and + 7, round it off= good age. Have fun & REALLY get to know the woman... Just my $.02! Blues - LiLa.
  4. This newb has never really brought much of anyone to DZ with me. I did bring my friend from school with me, one time, she's an adventurous kindred sprit so it was cool! Hope to get her to jump sometime- which is possible. But usually, haven't wanted to bring most people I know. They could ruin the vibe if they're bored or rude, or whatever, you know? NOW I'm at a dilemma. End of season, and DZOs having a party. Said to bring your friends Cool. I can do that. But now I find myself over-thinking this, and wondering how it'll go...and if I bring a co-ed group or just come with a guy, how the vibe will be with everybody together... To make things interesting, I was inviting firiends to just come to this party, and one guy from work accepted like he got the impression it's a date thing...! Not so sure that'd be bad, but just not my original thought in inviting him. So any tips for me??? Thanks - LiLa.
  5. RDUTCH, OH- do tell more. I really have zero knowledge about an training out side of my dz. & I'm just NOW trying to round up info from WHERE-EVER I can get it. -THANX! Blues -
  6. skymama Since you seem to know this dude, and are frequenting this same dz, maybe you got an insight here that seems to not be covered yet. When it is mentioned that if they are all students, or not having their "A"s yet, they should NOT be jumping together at the same time, This dude replies: They are jumping seperately but with just A FEW SECONDS SEPERATION BETWEEN EACH JUMPER. Do you suppose insufficient exit seperation could be contributing factor in the near misses/collisions, etc? Just this cautious student- newb's $.02 worth. Just something to think about.... - LiLa
  7. HMMM- Thanx Ron. I'll check in to it all further. Blues! -LiLa.
  8. Hiya! I'm starting to lay down some plans to keeping current and training over the down-time my DZ will be (mostly?) closed for wintertime. I should be getting my "A" within the week, and "officially" my DZ closes at the end of this month. Can I get some in-put about good places that stay open that have coaching, camps and training over the winter? I'm thinking about driving distance from mid-Michigan. For currency jumps at least once a month, anyways. BUT also want to start saving up $ (or at least planning to ) for Sky Dive University- that is in FLorida, right? For over Christmas &/OR Spring Break... ALSO Does SDU have an air-tunnel clinic/camp or something close to it? I want to start working diligently on RW skills next. THANX! Blues - LiLa.
  9. "At least in Wisconsin we don't quit jumping when the weather gets cold" REALLY? Where else in the North do DZs keep open thru out the winter? I'm starting to worry that I'm not gonna get thru with getting my A before the snow flies and shuts down our DZ for sure.... -LiLa.
  10. Thanx, I apreciate your patience with this newbie- me. Flying my canopy is the funnest part for me right now. Just want to figure out all the cause and effect and what's the best method with the canopy that I'm flying. I was on a 280 only 3 jumps ago, and now down-sized to 220. I don't really got the feel of this one yet...And Next will be jumping a 260 that I packed - first time pack job, too! YIKES! ...That could be an interesting jump... WAY up high at altitude I'll play just a bit after doing control checks. BUT when I do 360 spirals, it worries me that something could go badly wrong, cause it swings me out so much more at a paralell to the ground than the 280 chute did. I STOP if it feels squirrely, tho, and do control checks if needed. ANY tips regarding what NOT to do and WHY? ALSO RECOVERY METHODS for stalls, collapse, etc... AND "symptoms" to know for these beginning malfunctions??? BLUES- LiLa.
  11. HIYA! I'm jealous! REALLY wanted to go this year- but couldn't a jumped this year YET anyways... Next YEAR for sure...I'll have my A then, and my dz's packer and I have "shook on it" that we're both jumping next year! SO do tell, HOW WAS IT??? What's a BASE jump off a bridge FEEL LIKE? How HIgh is that bridge? 4 second delay? What kind a altitude did you open at at that rate, then? HOW VERY COOL - LiLa.
  12. I usually do my "play" away from the approach area- and AM working my way towards set up around 1.5K. but at this point, I'm the last one out, anyways. And I am looking out for others too. But pulling higher than other more experienced jumpers, like I've been told to do, so far, being in the way has not been a factor. I don't understand. WHY wouldn't it be OKAY to play under canopy??? As long as I'm in a safe place and NOT in the way of others? PS I'm learning at a small two cessna dz right now. & is the only place I jump. When I go somewhere else, I'm sure different rules will always apply AND also later on when I'll be pulling and under canopy at a lower altitude with lesstime under canopy- -I can see how that'd be a big issue. BLUE! - LiLa.
  13. Hi, SkyMonkey! At the risk of sounding STUPID- please, can you clarify something for me? I'm gonna paraphrase: You stated that from exit to landing after final approach you should always have everything (?) planned and not being flying around like "Gumby" At this point in my experience, I am usually under canopy by 4K. I do plan out landing approach, and where I want to be at 1k, but other than that- I thought it was perfectly OKAY to "play" under canopy until 1K... Am I wrong in thinking this way??? I'm planning on jumping this weekend and am starting to think about want I need/want to do...So I appreciate your input! -LiLa.
  14. Ummm... Kiy, Just to be on the safe side, WHEN are you gonna do this??? I don't want my little kid getting an eyeful this weekend! Please give me aome sort of time frame Ok? Thanx-LiLa.
  15. Been reading the SIM about finding the sweet spot for flaring. I haven't really ever gone thru the 9 steps thing to find the best flare... BUT have found that the three second flare and hold it, works pretty good for me to level off and glide straight and low so I can stand up. This 3-second flare was kinda hit and miss with the 280 manta that I was training on, but now that I'm on a 220 triathalon, it surprised me how NICELy it levels off and glides for me! Should I be checking out diferent flaring techniques while up high to find the best way to flare for final? Will I need to do this everytime I use a different size and/or type of canopy? Is there an easier way for me to find a canopy's sweet spot other than going thru that 9-step (in the USPA 's SIM) or by trial and error? I wanna figure this out...But it is puzzling. THANX- LiLa!
  16. Well, as a newbie, conservative in my jumping so far...Haven't had any REALLY nasties happen- ALMOST- and in hindsight scared me- BIG TIME! About a month ago, I ALMOST CAUSED a MALFUNCTION ON OPENING. Anticipating (another)hard opening, after I pulled the ripcord, I PUT MY KNEES TO MY CHEST. But there had been a delay in the pilot chute coming out of the pack and I began to BACK FLIP AS THE CHUTE CAME OUT hard and fast through my arms and whipped me a good blow with the pilot and risers. Luckily- I did not have a malfunction! But I learned a hard and painful lesson and had 6 X 8 INCH BRUISE on the inside of my left upper arm FOR A MONTH as a reminder... ...KEEP THE ARCH DURING DEPLOYMENT!!! BLUES- LiLa.
  17. WOW. Well, I guess we don't pay those costly rental fees for nothin'. Sooner or later, those fees are gonna be used/needed to pay for wear & tear or repairs or ...umm, whatever, Ya Know...?! PM'd Ya..................
  18. My tips were nothing technical. Just practical tips that worked worders for me. -Get to know HEIEGHT OF LANDMARKS around you: trees(50-100feet depending), rooftop of hangar(40), windows(15), door frame top(8). -Looking ahead (HORIZON) instead of straight down to get a feel for how close you are to ground in preparaton to flare for landing. -I told him a smooth, steady (3-count) FLARE worked wonders for me... PLUS ...His instructor, who was also my old AFF instructor, WAS RIGHT THERE and I said, as he heard me, "Just ask (your instructor) about this, HE'LL tell ya.Right...?" So I'm sure I'm not saying anything radical. It's just that the dude has had a really rough go at it. I REALLY WISH somebody would've been giving me good vibes too when I first began 2 years ago. I am SURE I would be a whole lot further along in this sport by now than what I am...! But things are good at this dz where I'm training now. and I'm just trying to give some good vibes to somebody who relly needs it. ps As I was leaving I stopped to say a few words to him, and asked if I'd encouraged him a little bit...he nodded and gave me the first smile that I have ever seen from this dude!
  19. I DID IT! My coach talked me thru it before the jump. & I exited just like you discribed it too. IT'S SUCH A VERY GOOD FEELING EXIT...Went well, but I didn't extend my arms straight out like a should've. I had kept 'em in a position more like the boxman thing. (Ya know?) But having my feet on my butt kept me from flipping around. I really like that diving exit! Will need to do more of that to get it really good tho.
  20. Hey, I got a question for you guys. I am working hard on my skillls and take advice and tips well and where ever I can get them, and apply them where I can. OKAY? I am still working towards my "A". Nearly there, but not quite. I hope to have IT by the end of the month...! I have had the priviledge of some GREAT INSTRUCTORS & COACHES along the way...and they have assured me that they would be HAPPY TO JUMP WITH ME once I get my A. Other really experienced jumpers have told me this too. Is this unusual? Or more common with women jumpers and/or because I am excited about this sport and "teachable"??? " 'Curiouser and curiouser...' said Alice." & ME, TOO! BLUES-LiLa.
  21. Took the 'higher road' this weekend and imparted with some 'pearls of wisdom' to encourage a discouraged (newer than me!)newbie. I passed on tips that work for me that others had given to me: re- gauging height, where to look before you land(horizon) & flaring for standups. He's having MAJOR LANDING TROUBLES! Actually I was surprised AND impressed to see him at the dz this weekend after the spectacular (Non)landing he had last weekend... And actually I was more surprised that I didn't see experienced jumpers (other than his AFF instructor) giving him 'pearls of wisdom' or tips to help him- or in the very least encouragement. Ya know? Even your own stupid stories, like "Man! I DID THE DUMBEST THING, wait to ya hear WHAT I did...!" Can help a 'young' jumper to find his/her potential and work through obstacles to progress in learning the skills of this sport. Please remember to help the newbies (& others) so they can get past the stress and frustration to experience the JOY & THRILL in this sport. BLUES!
  22. YOU GO GIRL! How COOL FOR YOU! SO what does a sitfly FEEL like compared to flying it on your belly? Can't do that with just any ordinary student sure your rig is SAFE for THAT? Blues! -LiLa.
  23. SKYGODS... Well, this is the 2nd dropzone that I've trained at, and the 5th that I've visited to check out to jump at. I really don't know much, but always checkout the vibe to see how things go down and the 'tudes. Like others have already posted, the "skygod" superioity thing IS NOT LIMITED TO CERTAIN DISCIPLINE... BUT I do think that with the thrill and rush of adreniline, people may ASSUME it's an atitude when REALLY is the RUSH & EXCITEMENT eminated from them. I was talking to some dz staffer one day about some of the showing off in the hanger and over& around the observervation area when some young, pretty college girls were waiting around for tandems. It was amusing...never had seen it before then. It was pretty obvious, entertaining and, well, understandable. Later, when I ended a great dive with one of my first tippy toe landings, I strode across the field with a huge smile on my face. Later he acused ME of showing off, and I said, I said NO, it was NOT FOR THE SPECTATORS- BUT FOR SIMPLY THE JOY! OF A GREAT JUMP. That rush lingered a long time! ...Just the experience of this NEWBIE thus far. -LiLa.
  24. WOW. Very nicely explained. I like THAT! I'm just really curious, and need to know, but don't want to look like a fool at the dz, for seemingly asking a qustion everybody seems to think that everybody already knows- somehow! I'm just starting to downsize from my 280 to a 220... and already found even on the one jump on it so far, that reactions intensify in the smaller chutes! Really need to get a feel for what I'm on, with what I'm learning... But REALLY look forward to being competent enough to take a canopy course - HAND ON- and really having some fun under the chute! BLUES!- LiLa.