I've started the static line course at Headcorn, some jumps in now and loving it.
I was pretty nervous turning up for training, a group of people I didn't know and the imminent threat of being thrown out of a plane.
The training day was long, and a bit dull, and I left muttering "look,locate,cut-away,reserve,arch" but it was well organised and we had Clem as our instructor who made sure the cutaway drills had sunk in and we knew what to do when we were in the air.
Jump day had great weather, there was lots of waiting around still due to Heathrow, clouds, birds of some description etc.
Everyone was friendly and answered questions however you did get the impression that everyone there was very "cool" and all students/tandems were definitely not "cool", for anyone who has found the place to have bad customer service this is probably your problem. Be cooler. Apparently you are "Cool" once you've spent a minute having a six point 4 way with a midget.
Seriously though, as a way of getting into this sport Headcorn seems perfect, safety is clearly their main priority, kit always seems well packed and good condition and the reserve chutes work reassuringly well if needed!
I'm doing the static line course, I have to admit I will probably change to AFF course. Unless you are a secret skydiving ninja it will probably be the quickest cheapest route to A license.