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Everything posted by cengland

  1. http://www.iso-group.com/NSNDetail/1670-21-864-6954/1670218646954.aspx Best I got, It's a Canadian issued parachute I'm guessing Contact Information: They may have the information you need. 2350 Commerce Park Drive Palm Bay, FL 32905 USA info@iso-group.com USA : 1-877-330-1580 Intl : +1-321-773-5710 Fax : +1-321-777-0499
  2. If people don't vote then they can't complain when things don't get better or they get worse.
  3. Green groups hindering global warming fight with ‘alarmist’ warnings: UN scientists Here, let's throw more fuel on the fire http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/11/03/green-groups-hindering-global-warming-fight-with-alarmist-warnings-un-scientists/
  4. This one is even better Idiot’ Australian decides to surf dead whale — while great white sharks feed on it http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/11/03/idiot-australian-decides-to-surf-dead-whale-while-great-white-sharks-feed-on-it/
  5. Not hard to figure out. There's 3 reasons people go into politics, it has nothing to do with doing what's best for the people. money power ego and of course the goal is to get elected / re-elected at all costs.
  6. I would say the Paleo Diet she is on coupled with the daily exercising she is doing and the skydiving has had a far greater contribution to her improved state of mental health than the weed. Weed as far as I can tell is not classified as a depressant or a stimulant but more of an intoxicant.
  7. taking charge of their lives, diets, caffeine, whatever. Put yourself in the driver's seat of your life, rather than falling into it. It took me 32 years to figure that out and boy when I did the changes were life altering
  8. Based on my personal experience of suffering from severe depression and severe anxiety disorders from the time I was 10 till 42 years old. During this period I was on many meds at varying dosages. Celaxa, Effexor, Zoloft, Zyprexa, Prozac, Paxil etc, the only time I got any relief was when the dosage was high enough that I was a semi functioning zombie. Ditch the meds as soon as you can, slowly of course as going off them cold turkey is hard on the system, my cold turkey withdrawal lasted 6 months and consisted of feeling electric shock sensations through the body. Change your diet, eliminate sugar, salt, alcohol , processed foods containing red dye, blue dye, nitrates, phosphates, msg and anything in the ingredients you can't pronounce, cut back / eliminate caffeine, artificial sweeteners and drink A LOT more water, at least 4-5 liters per day. Talk to a certified nutritionist. Exercise daily, combination of cardio and weights, get enough sleep, 7- 9 hours per day. See your doctor to run complete blood and body tests to determine if you are one of the small percentage of the population that has a chemical imbalance. Find a therapist you can talk to and trust, thought patterns that drive depression and anxiety are a learned behavior and your body and brain are conditioned to behave in this manner unconsciously. It will take about a year of conscious thinking to reprogram the brain from depression and anxiety behaviors to more positive thought processes. ( For me I found Anthony Robbins Unleash the Power Within program did wonders. As far as therapists and therapies I tried talk therapy, hypno therapy, music / art therapy, meditation and deep breathing. With these I only achieved very minor success. The therapist I had the most success with used acupuncture, Neuro Linguistic programming, Lifeline https://www.drdarrenweissman.com/ Sensory Evolution Technique http://www.play-shops.com/. The other thing I did was go through my brain and wrote down all the things I could remember encountering in my life or doing that could contribute to me feeling like shit. wrote it all down, accepted what I could not change and apologised or made amends to everyone that I've wronged over the years This is what worked for me, but everyone is different. Edited to Add: Never give up, if something doesn't work then change your approach and try something else, keep changing your approach and trying something new until you find out what works.
  9. Great actor, The answering machine gag at the start of each episode of Rockford Files was hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SijxE8S6wYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsWqth0NbDo
  10. Send them up to Canada, apparently we can't enough of them http://www.immigrationwatchcanada.org/the-basics/
  11. Rob Ford.....The Movie starring Chris Farley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUY6lDja-DE&feature=kp
  12. We use Kestrel wind meters to get an idea of how well the exhaust fans in the underground parking in the high rise apartment buildings I manage are working to exhaust CO fumes. Fairly decent quality and not too expensive. http://kestrelmeters.com/
  13. When I entered the world of manufacturing and Tier 1 automotive supply I had a boss tell me If you're gonna bring me problems you better have a solution ready to put into place