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Everything posted by isurfne

  1. The gangster packs a LOT bigger than the size that it is. Its 6% cross braced. To be on the safe side, plan for it to pack the same size as a velo or JFX. The attached photo is a photo of my demo OG-135 packed into a 135 Jav 2 stow bag. as you can tell.. it doesnt really fit. If your container is maxed out with a standard wing, dont even think about packing the same size OG in it.
  2. Fluid Wings Gangster 135 Exit weight 195 Wing loading 1.44 Jumps (513) Test jumps 19 Packing: The first thing I noticed about the canopy is that is packs HUGE. I have a 135 max container and its stuffed like a Saussage. I know that cross bracing packs larger and that it would be tight, but this was next level stuffed. After 10 jumps things started to get a bit easier, but its still not really meant for a 135 container. It fits, but its certainly tighter than Sunpath would like. Openings: The first few opening I had were a bit of a mixed bag and I think that is mostly due to packing and over stuffing the container. The initial snatch force of the canopy is stronger than I anticipated but at no point was it hard. Once the canopy stood me up in the harness the openings were soft with a very staged inflation. The “bad” openings I had were not slammers or spin-ups but they weren’t exactly the expected beautiful openings. Again, I feel as though this is due to packing and I hope to have an opportunity to jump this from a larger container before I make final judgement. 15 jumps in and im in love with the openings. The snatch force is still a bit higher than I would think but by no means is it hard. Its staged and usually on heading. Ive had a few off heading openings but they were super manageable and I never felt like it wanted to spin up on me. So far its the best opening canopy ive flown. Toggle pressure: The toggle pressure felt easy/ moderate. There was light pressure at first and built slowly and steadily to the bottom of the flare. It was super intuitive and as it was what I expected I’m finding it difficult to describe accurately. Flare: Holy shit guys. This thing has flare power. ( thats what happens when you finally have some real speed) Tip toe landing and metric fuck-tons of range Font risers: The fronts were light to moderate and built steadily and progressively as you dove the canopy. Im really working on getting into the fronts and the more comfortable I got with the canopy the better they felt. Rear Risers: Wow wow wow wow wow. Even with my harness only approaches I had enough speed to plane out and feel just how powerful the rears are. Rears for Years! Once I can really dive the canopy I’ll be able to play with the rears more but for now they still have tons of range and power. Harness: The harness was not nearly as sensitive as the Tesla but it felt more intuitive and controllable with more of a dive. I think that once you increase your wing loading the harness will liven up a bit, but as a step up canopy its exactly what you want. On the largest size you make it was fun and easy to fly while letting me know that she has a lot more in her when I’m ready to start ringing out some more performance. Trim: It was steep but not scary. Fast but controllable. It felt steeper than the Tesla by miles. I have a Gangster 120 on order and it will be here in august. I cannot speak highly enough about this canopy as a step up canopy. I liked it a LOT more than the crossfire.