So, I've been looking through old threads and trying to organize my plans for the winter. I am unable to follow through with my AFF this summer due to my job. Good news is I have between November and February off. I plan to go south for my AFF in January and stay as long as it takes to get my A license and some extra canopy courses. Until then (November-December) I would like to prepare in a Tunnel. The closest one is in NH. It is still a four hour drive but, it would be feasible for me to spend 2 days a week there.
I did do 20 mins there once before. I worked an 11 hour day drove for 3 hours and didn't perform all that well. I do see how it could be very useful and more fun when I'm not rushing it.
I know people say to get a coach. Now, is that the instructor that is there or, is it someone else that you hire? I would like to make some kind of a plan and have a briefing before going in this time. How would I go about finding a coach if that's the best way to do it?
Also, how do you get the most out of your time by splitting up the mins? I did read about tunnel camps but I didn't see any for the one in New Hampshire....Or, not sure how to find out that info?
Sorry for the novel