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Everything posted by RPG83

  1. Thank you all. Apparently the genomic way is not the way to find DB. I was thinking more about the judicial side of such investigative method but now I see that even the technical side would be problematic. It's a shame those cigarette butts have been lost. I want expand my idea about the own parachute thing. According to Wikipedia flight 305 took off from Portland at 2:50 pm PST. The exact time DB passed the demand note to Schaffner is not told (in Wikipedia at least) but I believe it's safe to assume it was soon after that. The flight 305 landed at Sea-Tac at 5:39 pm, and took off at about 7:40 pm. The authorities got almost five hours' notice of his parachute jump! If Cooper had initially required only the money and fuel and a getaway car at location X, his jump would have become more as a surprise, IMHO. Well, Paul Cini had tried it before but didn't it take more time to scramble the parachutes than the money? Why give them any more time than necessary for planning and organizing a ground search? In my opinion this indicates that Cooper was not a professional skydiver, and was probably broke, too. For those who believe Christiansen was DB: has his former house been searched thoroughly? Is there any chance of hidden ransom? I was just thinking if it would be possible to go through it once more with a money tracking dog (presuming the current owner permits it, no sane judge is going to issue warrant for that). Although I believe the scent may have diminished in 40 years (and it probably smells different from today's currency) but you can't find without trying. https://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/pkoira/home.nsf/pebd/C2182C66B4F95C22C2257B4800219540?opendocument http://coinsweekly.com/index.php?pid=4&id=2901
  2. Hello everyone! A new Cooper fan reports for duty. I have no idea if these things have already been covered but here are my points: 1. If Cooper was a professional skydiver, why didn't he bring his own rig on board? I guess airlines were not too strict about hand luggage back in the 1970s. 2. Would it be possible to drive the DNA samples obtained from the tie through the databases searching for a partial match, i.e. child or brother? The way they did in Grim sleeper case: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/familys-dna-led-police-grim-sleeper-serial-killer/story?id=11116381