Hey everyone,
I got my A license last fall and I've just been lurking on these forums for a little while soaking up info. I finished up my last season with 50 jumps under my belt. I recently ordered my first rig and am expecting it to show up in the next couple weeks. Since I live in the Midwest I'm going to use my downtime over the remainder of the winter months learning to pack my chute. I've got a few seemingly stupid questions, but I figured I'd better ask just to be on the safe side.
Just to preface, I did do a single chute packing class during my A license. Not much was retained because I didn't understand all the working parts at the time, but watching videos is definitely refreshing my memory in regards to what I saw. Also, I picked up Brian Germain's No Sweat packing video, so I'll be using that as my reference going forward.
1) Is there any problem/issue with unpacking my new chute and repeatedly re-packing it without jumping it? The only way to learn is repetition, and due to the winter I'm at least a couple months away from being able to jump it.
2) Is there any part of the experience I'm missing in re-packing without actually jumping it? I'm sure there would be instances where I might get line overs or something if it wasn't properly gathered after landing, but more importantly I ask that question for the reasons I haven't thought of.
3) Any tips/tricks for a first timer learning to pack? Any good supplemental videos I could use in addition to Brian Germain's packing video?