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  1. Thank you so much Suslique!!!!!!
  2. "RADIANCE" Rafael Schwaiger and Dani Roman flying in total darkness at Inflight Dubai. By: JuanMayer.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4i6dIKfQlg&feature=youtu.be
  3. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Totally self effort Laszlo :) Juan Mayer www.JuanMayer.com
  4. Thanks a lot johnmatrix!!!! Juan Mayer www.JuanMayer.com
  5. “ULTIMATE HIGH” Skydiving Behind the Lens. By JUAN MAYER After more than 15 years doing photos of skydiving, I decided to start working on a book of Skydiving Photography 2 years ago. Finally after all that work, a dream has come true!!! “There are thousands of ways to promote yourself on the internet, but nothing truly beats the feeling of a solid, tangible photography book with 104 beautiful glossy pages.” Thank you so much to EVERYBODY who was part of this project! Special thanks to my friend Nelson Silva from “Naturae” and "Nikon" for their support! If you are anywhere else around the world you can contact me directly by e-mail: info@juanmayer.com or by phone: +971 528933808 THANKS! Juan Mayer https://youtu.be/Kn-ha-YwUuw
  6. Thank you so much Zlew!!!!!! www.JuanMayer.com
  7. THANKS shveddy!!!!!! www.JuanMayer.com
  8. THANKS DSE!!!!!! www.JuanMayer.com
  9. THANKS Gowlerk!!!! www.JuanMayer.com
  10. I took this photo a few days ago. I used a NIkon D810 and a Nikon 85mm lens. Fb: https://www.facebook.com/JuanMayerProductions Instagram: @JuanMayerPhoto www.JuanMayer.com