A very close friend to me was trying to get all of his requirements signed off for his c license. When the owner/instructor of the dz we frequent saw his log book he made several small comments about the accuracy of what was in it, No big deal my friend thought even though he was a little disturbed about this mistrust. By the way no one has ever had any reason to mistrust this person he is the straightest arrow I know. The owner signed off on the list and my friend went on his way. The next time my friend was in the dz the owners wife made several very mean comments toward him she had said something about his magical 4 way that took place at another dz. My friend then asked her if he needed to get all of the people in that four way to sign it off. She wasn't even phased by this and said no they both went on there ways. Previous to all of this about by a month he was in a 8 way at this very small dz so I cant understand why she and her husband thought he would bs it just to get a license. Is this just a very bad case of jealousy? I am new to all of this but it seems to me like a very good way to lose good business. I might be wrong. Please feel free to correct me.
Anyway thank to all of you out there that have been a great source of information and entertainment in my short time in this sport. There are some very good people in this sport but when I run across people such as this it is very disturbing to me. We all share something very special and in common with each other I don't know why people seem to forget this.