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Everything posted by Catron

  1. I myself did 0 Tandems. My first indroduction of any kind whatsoever was AFF level 1. I knew I would not have a problem leaving the aircraft when the time came. I'm just that kind of person. Now, with that being said, not everyone is "that type of person" I would think each individual will have a basic idea of what they can and can't do without hesitation. No one knows you better than you. Trust your gut, don't plan around your wallet. Plan around safety and knowledge. My teeny tiny 2 cents. Good Luck.
  2. Ever seen german shepard that thinks its in trouble? Its ears lay flat on its head. Exhibit A-see attached photo
  3. Refers to horsemanship. "Pin his ears back" Work the horse hard, run him hard, ect. When horses run full speed they put their ears back. Much like a Dog e.g. German Shepard