A ton of great advice already on here.
Hit up the YouTube and google Brian Germains videos on fear. Apprehension is just another type of fear and fear is healthy.
The more you jump and learn to trust your self and more importantly (in my opinion) your gear - the apprehension lifts away. It's normal and everyone starts with it when they have low jump numbers.
I had a bad accident due to gear failure and was not able to jump for a half year after surgeries. I think I was more apprehensive on my first jump back then on my first jump ever.
I was told by someone with many many more jumps then I that the difference between someone with a A license and a B license is such....
Those with an A are apprehensive about leaving the plane, those with a B are apprehensive about their opening. Makes perfect sense since your chances of issues tend to be more under a canopy then in Freefall.
All in all - it will go away and it's normal. Don't sweat it