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  1. Wheels put Yertle too high off ground. Clawing along on toenails. Turtle need low-rider wheels.
  2. I think the goal of the producers was to see how many times they could cut from scenes of school shootings to Wayne Lapierre, as if to imply that he and the NRA had something to do with those events.
  3. Old Russian proverb say; when dug yourself to rock bottom deep hole, stop digging.
  4. This show is an anti-NRA anti-gun rights hatchet job. As expected.
  5. Does this concern also apply to a second Clinton? Hey, Drago have idea. How about we judge each individual on their own merits, and not on their dad, brother or husband? Silly Drago.
  6. Not "more like", but it is yet another example. When a group's interests are threatened, they'll enter politics to make sure their views are heard and respected. I'd expect nothing else. And for Airdvr, yep, no different, same thing. Why do we band together to have an Airspace Defense Fund? Because of loonies like those Citizens for Quiet Skies folks. Who also have a right to band together for political purposes. And then we let the courts decide. All orderly and civilized. None of these groups are evil. They're just participating in democracy. Unlike Drago's country, where Putin decide everything. You no like what Putin say, you disappear...
  7. You really should stop substituting your own thoughts as my own. And the insult too. Irrelevant. Either my concerns about those observations are correct, or they're not. How many jumps I have doesn't enter into the equation. It's not that I couldn't be bothered with him, he was distracting me at a critical time in the flight, and spotting was a priority over his camera. Wrong assumption. Caravan load. Us two solos, followed by a bunch of tandems. I did start to help him with his clothing, but then as I was reaching he got it himself. But anyone who can't unfold a turned-inward collar, um, that's a fairly basic task. You feel with your fingers, and pull it out. He also had several other questions on the way to altitude. He was very needy. If I had stopped to help him with his camera on jump run, the spot would have gone long, and tandems might have landed off. Now which is more important: making sure the air is clear and the spot is correct for a bunch of tandems, or making sure a solo jumper's camera is turned on? You really should stop substituting your own thoughts as my own. I have nothing against full face helmets. But if you wear one, don't expect people to understand you when you try and talk behind that full chin piece on a noisy airplane with the door open. And buying all new fancy equipment doesn't help if you make unsafe decisions. I'd rather see a poor jumper who works on the widget assembly line, and has a dirty rig and a cheap Pro-tec helmet, who is doing everything right. Drago tired of all this talk. He no speak this much in movie "Rocky" when he try and crush Mr. Balboa.
  8. Quote: "FRONTLINE reveals how the NRA reinvented itself from a group of gun enthusiasts and sportsmen with minimal political focus, to a powerful lobbying force that has consistently succeeded in defeating new gun control legislation." Cool. If the anti-gun folks would quit trying to take away their guns, they would be happy to get out of politics and go back to just being sportsmen again. They only got into politics because they had to, to preserve their sport and their rights. It's like complaining about a bunch of homosexuals who came out of the closet to join together and organize to get involved in politics because they weren't allowed to marry like everyone else. Or complaining about pot smokers who came out of the shadows and organized to get involved in politics to legalize MJ, because what they do doesn't hurt anyone and causes millions to spend time in jail unjustly. What's so surprising or evil about any of that? It's the natural order of things. If someone tries to prevent you from doing what you love, then you must defend it, or lose it.
  9. It's not my job to tell kids they shouldn't listen to music. It's not a violation of any BSR. Yeah, but it's not your job to bitch about it on the web either - and the one is certainly more useful than the other. If other people who behave as this guy did, examine their jump habits with some introspection because of this thread, then perhaps many more people will become safer jumpers. Why is pointing out something unsafe categorized as "bitching"? Is it your job to bitch about my bitching? No, I, Captain Ivan Drago, I am the bad guy.
  10. Now whether or not you meant it that way that is exactly how it sounds to ME.. What was the point of mentioning any of those things? Your interpretation does not match the reality of why I mentioned those things: Pretty girlfriend: distraction Emphasis on job title: mind-set - thinks he's a hot shot Impressing whuffos: mind-set - know-it-all Music: distraction Fumbling with wires and asking for help: can't solve a simple problem Gopro: distraction Paid packer: mind-set - can't be bothered with details Now, does this perspective reveal a problem to you? Do you think any of those items might have been the weak links in the chain of events which led this jumper to not knowing which way to land into the wind? Is it possible that if he hadn't spent so much time talking to his girlfriend, bragging about his job, explaining his gear, messing with his Gopro, and listening to his music, that maybe he would have had time to walk outside and look at the windsock? No, I'm the bad guy.
  11. Incorrect. Because that's what all the cool kids do. Negative. It wasn't the hired packer in itself, but in combination with several other things that already showed his knowledge in the sport isn't up to snuff yet. Call me old fashioned, but I think a new jumper should pack his own chute the first couple of hundred times, so he learns how to do it, and learns all about the canopy construction. The point is, he got to final approach altitude and didn't know which way the wind was blowing. That's a problem. Incorrect. Again. None of these items taken individually, are really a problem. It's the collective whole, combining all of them together, with the the fact that he proved himself lacking in awareness of the priority item - landing, which makes them worthy of note. If he had done everything correctly in the skydive while playing with all his gizmos, that's fine. Many people can handle all that. This guy didn't.
  12. It's not my job to tell kids they shouldn't listen to music. It's not a violation of any BSR.
  13. Indeed it was. Someone talked to him about it, and he remarked something like; "Man, I knew I had screwed up when I made that last turn and realized I was downwind". Of course, he turned so low he didn't have time to turn back around to get back into the wind. Did he check the wind before getting on the plane? No. Did he follow the giant wind arrow in the landing area? No. Did he land in the same direction as the first guy down? No. When enough things like this pile up, one on top of the other, you start to wonder about their judgement. At least I do. On the other hand, some people here think that this makes Drago the bad guy.
  14. Pardon this sideline interruption... This thread got me thinking. Wouldn't it be fun to do the same thing, but with only photos allowed? Instead of "word association", it would be "photo association". For example, if someone posted a photo of an ape, as in the last message here, the response might be to post a photo of sasquatch. In response to that, someone might post a photo of Wookie from Star Wars. And following that would be Luke Skywalker, and so on. No words would be allowed, only photos. Whatchathink? A fun variation on this theme? I now return you to your regularly scheduled fun.
  15. Why didn't you post this clarification in the original thread instead of starting this brand new one?