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Everything posted by yvanpec

  1. Thx for the details guys. I will try that I also realized that I was practicing on a kind of slippery surface, which I am sure does not help at all....will buy some good ol carpet to put underneath all that mess Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  2. For what it's worth, I had an absolute blast getting my A at Skydive Sebastian. Florida is quite a nice vacation destination but it's gonna be hot during them months. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  3. Thank you for all the great input ! Someone is letting me borrow a rig so I can practice since it's winter time here. It's brand new so I m getting alllllll the good frustration in I have noticed that I get a better result when I psycho pack. I was actually able to close the container on my last try ! Would I jump it ? hmmm not so sure haha. I will look into the reverse s-fold as I have no clue what it is.... Does a brand new container kinda lose its stiffness after a few packjobs ? the flaps are very stiff and so is the bottom of the container. Also, of course I feel like a longer closing loop would help (the grommets align but it really is a bitch), but I am afraid it would be a big mistake and cause a mal on opening. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  4. Makes sense, but I was talking on the ability to get rid of most of the air out i guess. i feel like there is still a bit of air in my canopy even after the last fold and my ass sitting on it for a minutes. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  5. Hi, I know that good packing skills can make a main fit or not fit into a tray. How big would you guys would say it makes of a difference ? 10, 15 % volume ? I am still looking at buying a rig and really want that Pilot 188 ZPX but I am afraid that I won't be able to take advantage of the ZPX fabric since my packing skills blow donkey dongs. I am actually concerned that New canopy X no packing skills = a bigger volume than the regular ZP would be.... Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  6. yeah same here. up to a million bucks I think. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  7. So how do I get my license if I cant jump because I don't have any insurance ?..... you're thinking backwards here. Bonjour Yvan, Merci pour ton intérêt pour l'école de parachutisme Flying-Devil. Nous reprenons l'activité parachutisme le 2ieme WE de Mars a l'aerodrome de Bex. Tu es bien sure le bienvenue avec ta licence A, pas de soucis:-) Par contre il est impératif de contacter SwissSkydive pour assurer ton materiel / pour les dégâts sur tiers qu'il pourrait engendrer pour le montant minimum imposer en Suisse ( 1 Million de francs Suisse). Merci de prendre contact avec Stephan Heinrich: +41 (0) 41 375 01 04. Par contre si tu habites en Suisse il faudra a plus ou moins long terme passer ton equivalence de licence Suisse. Nous te souhaitons une excellente journée et nouvelle Année. Bisous Lydie www.flying-devil.com 079 435 12 32 Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  8. hmmmm I emailed the Bex DZ and the nice lady told me the SwissSkydive insurance is a prerequisite to even be able to start getting your license. So you're saying you're only covered once you are licensed ? this doesnt make sense whatsoever. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  9. So, I have a USPA license therefore I am good to go when I come to the states (probably 3-4 times a year) and also a SwissSkydive insurance so i am also good at home :) it's pretty cheap and has great coverage. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  10. I'll probably get proven wrong. And I'll admit, and I have no issues with that. In my mind, safety is just a more complex equation than small canopy = death although I am sure it plays a large part in it. It's more like: canopy type x canopy size x weather x mentality x experience x dropzone x instructors x risk taking = injury OR no injury depending on the inputs. I don't think it's totally stupid of me to think that. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  11. i am not ignoring it. I am just trying to understand it all. Matter of fact is I listened even when the answer to my question wasnt the one I was hoping for. I am just trying to figure out how a 1.1 to a 1.2 change can have such a huge impact. But you're right, I'll figure it out when it's time for me to experience all of it. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  12. I respectfully disagree. Guns, fast cars, small canopies....don't kill people. It takes a retard to look down the barrel to make sure the barrel's clean, a retard to see how fast his car can take the corner, and a retard so pull hard on a handle 30ft above a grass field. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  13. thank you Danielcroft. Your post made good sense. The more I am reading, the more I think im starting to figure out a couple things. Let's take my extremely short experience as an example. 30 jumps. nothing, right ? But it's hard for my brain to imagine something that has not happened yet, because I had 30 canopy flights and 30 good landings. Also, i am sure my instructors are no strangers to this because we got grounded a few times. I m sure if I d had gone up,things would have hit the fan real quick. Now, I can notice that people in this sport care about jump numbers. "Hi, I have 300 jumps and wanna downsize" will always get a "go ahead buddy ".....fact is, you can jump 300 times and don't practice anything under canopy, always jump in the same climatic conditions. Does it make him more prepared than the guy who has 150 jumps, opened early and worked the shit out of his canopy on every single jump ? I very much doubt it. So yeah, I am starting to think that those questions should't even be addressed online......I mean, don't get me wrong, great knowledgeable forum, but too many copy/paste type of answers on these downsizing topics. I can sense a lot of frustration from some posters. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  14. If you don't have the knowledge to understand why this is wrong you seriously need to get more experience before downsizing. I am not downsizing anything so I guess I am fine on this one.but I appreciate your concern for my skydiving career. I was just thinking that if you have billion of experience under a certain size and this said size is restraining you from jumping because of a bit (not 340 knots) of excess wind, then maybe downsizing is not a bad deal after all.....but I guess I have it all wrong. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  15. That's on my personal list* of "not-very-good reasons to downsize" but you're not the first person to use it and you certainly won't be the last.
  16. you are downsizing way too fast. you're gonna die and make everyone else around you die as well. yes even your puppy will die because of that. Actually I have no effing clue but it seems like a pretty good, generic answer from what I have read so far.... Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  17. appart from the music part that I agree with, he was just an outgoing guy who makes money and bangs a hot chick. and since he had a hot chick with him he prefered to hangout with her big tits than to pack his rig himself. sounds like a good dude to me ! Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  18. mais je suis bien content de la passer en Suisse ! Mon beau pays ! Tant que je dois pas la passer a coté Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  19. I have no idea what that means. Does it play music when it's not giving altitude warning alarms? I'd like my hard deck tune to be the intro to Still by Dr DRE. Is it possible !??? Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  20. yup, 500 jumps and a D license. I m visiting Dubai for something else than skydiving, so if I can still squeeze a couple desert jumps i'll be happy. We visited the Sion DZ last november (or october...) and my buddy and I had a real good time there. So this will probably become my home DZ for the winter and Yverdon for the summer as the club moves there for the summertime. I have heard of excellent things about the Bex DZ as well. Closest is Annemasse in France but I don't like the staff, I don't like the way they conduct their business, I don't like their plane, I fucking hate them I guess ! Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  21. Thx everyone for all the very useful input. Thx for the link man I'll check it out. I basically sent out an email to all the DZs close to my house to ask about requirements. Of course I will get my Swiss license since I live in Switzerland. It'll make everyone happy and it will be a good opportunity to train for it and get better. Apparently the french have a progression system for canopy sizing. Given a certain exit weight and a certain amount of jumps, you're given a smallest size canopy you're allowed to jump. First downsize is apparently at about 110 jumps and then 150,200 etc etc....so it's a good idea tu jump there once you have acquired some experience somewhere else I guess or you'll be renting gear for some solid time. Im visiting Dubai in april and they said the USPA A license is fine to jump there. Im sure it gets all easier once you're a confirmed skydiver to jump wherever you want to. And yes, it's fair to have to show what you can do when you only have a few jumps. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  22. i saw one guy doin that in FL. i thought it was quite a selfish and dumb thing to do. I wouldnt mind some tunes playin in the aircraft, for everyone to enjoy tho Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  23. i usually have the opposite problem. most of the rigs are too large on the leg straps. i have chicken legs i guess. apparently some guy at the new DZ here is a distributor for a few brands. i'll speak to him about my options. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  24. thx man I will definitely try that. Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.
  25. yes. it's one of the first things my instructor told me. you only successfully complete your skydive when you're back to the hangar.... Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground.