Hello Skydivers!
I figured this was the best place to get a solid opinion on my concern. Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) has been a worry for me growing up, because one side of my family has it. I was tested for it when I was younger, but it didn't manifest at the time. However, I was almost guaranteed to have this diagnosis by the specialist I was seeing - it was just a matter of time before it started to take effect.
Over the years (I am 25 now), I had kind of put it to the side in order to not let it effect what my goals and aspirations were. I didn't want it to get in the way of what I wanted to do and I couldn't cure it, so I figured I would check up on it after some time.
My eyesight has become a little worse than before, but not really enough to make a major difference. So, I went back in to check on the progress of the RP and it has sure enough started to manifest itself. I have the autosomal dominant form, which is the most common and the gene that, for lack of a better term, is the slowest when it comes to deterioration of sight and has the highest chance of curability in the future.
How do I proceed with this going forward with any DZ's that I may go to? I do have my A license, but now that the RP has started to manifest itself more, I feel an obligation to let people know. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do I go about this? At what point should I stop skydiving?
I do want to also continue on and obtain other licenses, but in regards to night jumps (for D license), those are definitely out of the question as I have always had night eyesight problems due to this.
I realize there may not be a strict, clear answer to this, but I would like to hear what people think.
Thanks everyone.