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Everything posted by 3331

  1. Correct, there is no paper Ballot in the November issue of Parachutist. You can have one mailed to you at the inconvenience of HQ Staff by calling USPA HQ at 540-604-9740. Or log on the USPA Web site and print out the Ballot. Better yet, log on and vote. What about the two with no photo, that’s a violation of of the USPA Election Committee by-laws and in-laws, no picture no bio. Neither one has a chance, however wasted votes on them takes away votes for the top three contenders.
  2. Your November issue of Parachutist will have a paper ballot for mail in.
  3. I voted for Melissa Lowe. She will help stop the USPA BOD from wasting anymore USPA Members money on the failed building of the International Skydiving Museum building. This is NOT about the "skydiving hall of fame", it's about a building that has no location or plan and no money, other then USPA Members. Our USPA money would be more productively invested in Airport Access and the USA Team's.
  4. Voting has begun for the special election to fill the remaining term of one National Director on the USPA Board of Directors.Log in now at the USPA Web to vote! Once you have logged in to your account, click the 'Vote Now' icon to view the online ballot and vote. Members may vote one time only. USPA Headquarters must receive all paper ballots or electronic votes no later than 5 p.m. EST, Monday, November 30, 2020.The election for your National Director runs November 2-30, 2020. You will receive a weekly email reminder to vote through the end of November or until you have voted.
  5. Betty was loved by many. ❤️
  6. I recommend Merlin Suits 1665 Lexington Avenue Suite #105 DeLand, Florida 32724 Phone & Fax: 386-738-2962 E-Mail: info@merlinsuits.com
  7. https://uspa.org/p/Article/brian-naiman-elected-uspa-pacific-regional-director-1?fbclid=IwAR0-XKd290xX_WHZTEjUI8wWCb8OLCNCHp5lKpPhhme9i5jH1zbYm7wtIb4
  8. Glad to see Albert Berchtold is getting lots of coverage.
  9. Glad to see Albert Berchtold is getting lots of coverage.
  10. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fparachutistonline.com%2Fp%2FArticle%2Fuspa-selects-albert-berchtold-as-next-executive-director-1%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2UQtoiAmReqNB-h9CHMBktWayWWnx2Ps7OWhDAmdPrldkbRDen1aL_Fg8&h=AT3Tk7kN1kXG-lb1jicv888HwKmzoAnlMqOqfqM5JV2tEhHhNPAcm1sKFnaC4UQZ7sgjOggJqXFjNASMLcobqyTuwcTANioVQSI-rQdkO-KWyETwNXa9d7v9LvVH7ODufv6jBA6EXI-GQcLcl84GlNY50Liq_wx5kkW0ENLVM-323pfJk-a8mwv92kSvAQ_eIOz0kwUC1liu4znEAbc5_XAhFXeWjBvVMgEc2sIO0CCVTPdNAz36Nsk5eXiCdmEORfo5pLkTFT8qv9CopDvh8DNqJKc9nwnpFEoKUKCYWstEknZ1c7iEw0BEfnR9_Ur9pzDqsOcolcsS72l1SGXFHPg2ABvwoDyzGCpNin_GEeoM4iRYoShFkLhkRjw6FLK1AVI4rqAJPWFI8U8c0ElNmmvhdXSqwh4BVSdW5wEDUSjdlRxj19TTbqtLj9EbgN4hnM08-DvSjqPLUSpHdTRhH4lx_znR11dO_c41xgUWA1w7V5RzVZVlyxempKeLN2063XBfho812iE1hzkdo6EqMCvkrdthn1sG9xjvPfiLvEhc3gvgoGWsIj2SA_JTXCDvcISGWrdF8AWjoi5sd2E3prIwo9fY_24CwwxK7n6KLejDVMs7Y-m6t68do-acm7_MoT0
  11. I have a Specter 135, works fine on openings and landing. Suggest you go big like your planning too.
  12. Parachute Labs in DeLand makes the Racer. It will fit you perfectly.
  13. 3331

    Z- Hills 1986

    Thanksgiving Meet, First Place Team. Organized by Jerry Bird and Mike Michigan. Photo by Dave (Pink) Floyd.
  14. Randy Schroeder passed away on April 20th 2020. He was well known and respected in the skydiving community. He served as an USPA Regional Director where he was an advocate for helping small Cessna dz's among many other issues. He was a very talented S/L, IAD, AFF and Tandem Instructor plus an AFF + Coach Examiner as well as an Instructor Examiner.
  15. I'v said this to the owner of DropZone dot Com and a few of the Moderators, "this new format, just because it's new and different doesn't mean it's better.
  16. From: Tampa Bay Times. "Eating dinner Friday night, Mr. Deal choked on a piece of filet mignon, said his fiancé, Ruby Drash, who was with him. They tried the Heimlich maneuver with no success. Mr. Deal was 88."
  17. Arch Deal, longtime WFLA news anchor who survived parachute fall, dead at 88
  18. When Betty spoke the Men listened.
  19. I was on the National Skydiving Museum Committee with Bill Ottley and Chris Needles from 2002 to 2006. From the beginning of the Museum and Hall of Fame project all agreed no financial burden would be on the USPA Members. The Museum would stand alone financially from donations and charging admission. Building cost started at $5,000,000 on FREE land next to USPA HQ in Fredericksburg Virginia. Now we don’t know what the building will cost on land that’s not free in a third location in Orlando. Giving our dues money to the International Skydiving Museum building should be voted by the Members, not by the BOD who are supposed to represent the Members. Hall of Fame project all agreed NO financial burden would be on the USPA Members. The Museum and Hall of Fame would stand alone financially from donations and charging admission. Building cost started at $5,000,000 on FREE land next to USPA HQ in Fredericksburg Virginia. Now it $16,000,000 on land that’s not FREE in a third location in Orlando. I was on the National Skydiving Museum Committee with Bill Ottley and Chris Needles from 2002 to 2005. From the beginning of the Museum and Hall of Fame project all agreed NO financial burden would be on the USPA Members. The Museum and Hall of Fame would stand alone financially from donations and charging admission. Building cost started at $5,000,000 on FREE land next to USPA HQ in Fredericksburg Virginia. Now it $16,000,000 on land that’s not FREE in a third location in Orlando. Giving our dues money to the International Skydiving Museum should be voted by the Members, not by the BOD who are supposed to represent the Members. And that’s just a Giving our dues money to the International Skydiving Museum should be voted by the Members, not by the BOD who are supposed to represent the Members. And that’s just a start about what I know.