It's that time of year again when new TV shows are starting to air. I usually watch the premiere shows, to see if it's something I'm going to like. Usually I don't.
But one that got my attention last night was "Last Man on Earth". A virus has wiped out everyone on earth, except one man. No, it's not an apocalyptic thing with gloom and doom. It's a comedy. The sole survivor travels the country in an RV looking for other humans, finds none, and goes home to Tucson to live. He moves into a mansion, and decorates with famous art which he has taken from museums all over the country during his travels. He's a slob.
I liked the scene where he's dressed only in shorts, and walks up to a store that has a sign that says: "No shirt, No shoes, No service." He pulls a handgun out of his waistband, shoots out the window, and strolls inside to shop.
But then, a woman appears! The last woman on earth. She's kind of homely, and she's a neat-nik. She insists that he stop at stop signs, even though there is no other traffic. The last woman on earth drives him crazy!
Anyway, it was absolutely hilarious! I'll be watching it again. Anyone else catch this? What did you think? Any other good shows that caught your eye that I should watch for?