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Everything posted by pringles

  1. Read somthing. If there isn't a skydiving or playboy near by I may grab the soap dispenser off the sink and read the ingredients. My wife thinks its wierd but I have to have something to read and take my mind off the task at hand. Matt Davies
  2. I just checked out the link that you posted and the host web site is a guy that I grew up with and went to highschool with. What a small world. I sent an email off to him I haven't seen him in years. Also I voted for the film. Matt Davies
  3. Go with the Void stamp. Its funny as hell and makes for a good conversation piece. Matt Davies
  4. wouldn't it be ethical to say don't buy a used rig from this person? I know I wouldn't want to buy a rig from this guy sometime next month once he realizes that he may not have used his best judgement. I realize that on inspection you may find discoloration but it would suck to find out the hard way. Matt Davies
  5. I saw a jumper at our dz jumping some wiley x sunglasses. they come with a strap that snaps in and also they have some type of foam that helps them fit snug to your face this may keep the wind out. I'm sure that results may vary. Matt Davies
  6. Talk to your buddy chuck about the one he has. Matt Davies
  7. As for your second question. I have packed this style a handfull of times. Its been a while though. The routing on the left looks kinda cramped between the toggle and pin. The routing on the right looks cleaner (to me), but I think that the little slack there will bind on the toggle at the keeper and maybe wear the keeper and control line at that point. So I would probably use the routing on the left riser. Does that make sense? Grab that control line on the right and pull strait up (twards the canopy). Does it only load on the cutaway loop thingy or does it grab the right bottom corner of the toggle keeper? Ok found an old pic and it proves I would use the one on the left. Matt Davies
  8. Not to mention you should make sure you didn't get any scratches or bites from that cute little thing. You can get rabies even from a scratch. Matt Davies
  9. Is that the one your looking for or Where do I begin by the chemical brothers. Matt Davies
  10. I have considered getting one of these in the past but I am sure I will now. I plan to put it in my back pad. Not only would it be useful in jaaps case but you could put it over yourself after an injury like Fabers. If I remember right Faber used his canopy to keep warm and help from going into shock. Matt Davies
  11. A guy at our dropzone had his wifes name and a heart on his arm. The day his divorce was final he went and had the tattoo artist put a big VOID stamp across it. It looked just like one of the rubber stamps the bank would put across a cancelled check. I thought it was pretty funny. Matt Davies
  12. Here is a discussion over at Blinc. Matt Davies
  13. Also beware of removing the rig for this reason. If the cops figure out that gear was removed from the decieced it opens a whole new can of worms. Non jumpers wouldn't understand reasoning behind removal of gear, and it may suggest to them some foul play was involved. I would refrain from disturbing the scene as much as possible. Also how do others feel about this comment by funks I get the impression that many of us have gone out and recieved some type of medical training. I have a medical first responder rating. How about some of the rescues in Moab that have been performed by base jumpers. As far as I am concerned some of those were beyond amazing. Matt Davies
  14. pringles

    Slider Stops

    Try some talcum powder. Works for me Matt Davies
  15. pringles

    Base helmets

    How about something with some type of small light on it. Matt Davies
  16. I have two bullmastiffs. Each dog is 10 yrs. The female is 120 lbs and the male is 180. He is kinda big for the breed however. I can agree with a few of the comments in this thread. Loyal. Our dogs are very attached to us and as they get older they seem to want more and more attension. Our dogs stay in the basement and if we are home it drives them nuts if we don't come down and watch tv with them. These dogs constantly bring us their stuffed animal toys. We feel like its their way of expressing their love. They will bring a toy to give it to you. Believe me they are not bringing it to us to play fetch because they are way to lazy for that. Tail. You would think they don't even know its there. That is one reason they stay in the basement. They knock things off the coffee tables. When I say they are in the basement it kinda sounds like a bad thing but they have their own couches and a tv down there and we spend quite a bit of time down there with them. Stubborn. The older the male gets he sometimes doesn't want to come when I call him. He used to, but I think in his old age he knows I can't do anything about it. He will turn and look at me when I call. Then go right back to what he was sniffing at. Our female blew out her knee when she was a couple of years old. So she had her knee operated on. I think that this injury wasn't related to the breed however. She was running and tripped in a hole. Our dogs haven't had any problems with their hips. They get up and down the stairs pretty well still I think. As far as being around other dogs we have only had a problem once. It seems that as long as the other dogs aren't agressive with them there is not a problem. They are pretty passive when it comes to growling and barking. If the other dogs nip at them they will stand their ground and possibly take the other dog on. My parents have three Brittneys, a friend of mine has some kind of hyper mutt, and my mother in law has 4 dogs a jack russel a weimeriner and a couple mutts, and our dogs get along well with all these dogs. I think that our dogs are very mellow and tend to be lazy. Like I say they have only had a problem with another dog on one occasion. Also I think that if you introduce them to the group of dogs you already have as puppys they will click with the other dogs just fine. All in all I love our dogs. I don't know if I would get another big dog or not. They just seem to require so much attension, and with jumping and traveling they are just difficult to bring along. You should see it when we cram those two dogs in the tent with us at the drop zone on the weekends.;postatt_id=32451;;postatt_id=32452;;postatt_id=32454; Matt Davies
  17. pringles

    Site Nicknames

    "Fat Guy" Matt Davies
  18.;search_string=closing%20loop%20cutaway;#1646911 Matt Davies
  19. It ran in my divx player. Matt Davies
  20. pringles

    Container Idea

    What is used to stage the deployment? Currently we use a primary stow. What with this system slows line dump, before canopy inflation? Matt Davies
  21. Im with dexterbase. I think that it wouldn't cause much problems except for heading issues ( if i understand his post correctly). I feel that the way your thinking it serves the same pourpose as the tailgate though. So it would fall into the same catagory as using the tailgate and still routing your control lines thru your slider and guide rings. Matt Davies
  22. I think Apex had some Crispi's at Bridge day. They may be selling them now. Matt Davies
  23. If you do a search for line mod you will find quite a few threads on this topic.;search_string=line%20mod;#958550 Here is another one. Tom even mentions haveing put a handfull of jumps on Russels guide ring release set up.;post=1665567;page=2;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; Matt Davies