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  1. Well, they kind of went too far the other way. The usual phrase was something like; "We don't know what happened yet, but we know it wasn't a terrorist bomb." Excuse me? If you don't know what happened, then you can't rule out a bomb. Just because the debris is in a relatively small area, doesn't mean that a bomb didn't bring it down. They may have turned out to be correct in this case, but that's still bad logic.
  2. You did not before. But now that you've said the word "first", you do.
  3. Good riddance, I say. It was going to run on into infinity. That's the dumbest waste of electrons I've ever seen.
  4. Secure cockpit doors have done a good job of protecting the pilots from crazy passengers outside the door. Now we've got to figure out how to protect the passengers from crazy pilots on the inside of the door...
  5. This place has so many old User IDs hanging around that it's tough to find a good name when you register for the site. Everything is already taken! And you can't do a search to find out what's available, until after you've already registered. It's a Catch-22. You have to just keep guessing at screen names until you hit upon something unused by luck. Look at the screen capture, attached, for an example of the problem. [inline Capture.JPG] There's a whole bunch of IDs that people register with, but then never even bother to sign on, ever. And many others may have signed on at some point, but have a "last seen" date that is years ago, and have never posted anything. These are dead accounts. You ought to clean them up. Free up some of those juicy User IDs for some new guys.