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  1. How do you ad a new product? I want to make a review on Pressurized Tube 4 trackingsuit
  2. Even if we installed seat belts in our Cessna 206 i'm not even sure if we could use them use them in a convenient way, we are packed as sardines.. Maybe if you could hook the belt to your harness somehow
  3. "The pilot wears one, but its the only one I've seen installed" I don't know how it is with other planes in Sweden but in our DZ's Cessna 206 all skydivers counts as cargo and therefore we don't have any seatbelts
  4. Okay from this article I found the answer for 1. and 2. The arms position determdetermines how quickly you fall and therefore in 1. one of the flyers will end up below the other one I assume that in 3. one of the flyers will fly slower because of increased drag and therefore end up behind the other one? How about tight stance vs wide stance, anyone that can help me? I'm always single when I'm tracking so I don't have anyone as a reference, all people on my DZ are in to freeflying heads down
  5. Hello! I'm not a very experienced jumper and with the jumpseason coming up I have just some small questions I have wondered about. Look at this picture 1. What would happen if one of the flyers put his arms at a 30° angle behind his back? 2. What would happen if one of the flyers put his arms at a 30° angle in front of his chest? 3. What would happen if one of the flyers pull down his knees a little? How do you change your pitch relative to the horizon in a max track? When I did my STL course I learned that for a efficient track you should de-arch, point your toes and keep your legs together but if I watch basejumpers they almost every time track with their legs spread apart in like shoulder width; trackingsuit or regular clothes; which way is the best way to track?