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    Raeford, NC
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  1. chandlerjz

    I'm sorry...

    What do you mean "sorry!?!" That's a great song and what a wonderful rendition by a superstar like David 'The Man' Hasselhoff. No, just kidding.
  2. Not really related but pretty funny. SUNDAY:- 8:00 - My 33 Sons 8:30 - Osama Knows Best 9:00 - I Dream of Mohammed 9:30 - Let's Mecca Deal 10:00 - The Kabul Hillbillies MONDAY:- 8:00 - Husseinfeld 8:30 - Mad About Everything 9:00 - Monday Night Stoning 12:00 - Win Bin Laden's Money TUESDAY:- 8:00 - Wheel of Terror 8:30 - The Price is Right if Osama Says it's Right 9:00 - Children are Forbidden from Saying the Darndest Things 9:30 - Taliban's Wackiest Public Execution Bloopers 10:00 - Buffy the Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer WEDNESDAY:- 8:00 - Beat the Press 8:30 - When Kurds Attack 9:00 - Two Guys, a Girl, and Pita Bread 9:30 - Just Shoot Everyone 10:00 - Veilwatch THURSDAY:- 8:00 - Fatima Loves Chachi 8:30 - M*U*S*T*A*S*H 9:30 - Married with 139 Children 10:00 - Eye for an Eye Witness News FRIDAY:- 8:00 - Judge Saddam 8:30 - Suddenly Sanctions 9:00 - Who Wants to Marry a Terrorist Millionaire ? 9:30 - Cave and Garden Television 10:00 - No-Witness News SATURDAY:- 8:00 - Spongebob Squareturban 8:30 - Who's Koran Is It Anyway ? 9:00 - Teletalibans 9:30 - Camel 54, Where Are You ? 10:00 - Allah McBeal
  3. F15s in Iceland, a brigade (+) in Bosnia, brigade (+) Kosovo, battalion (+) Egypt, division (+) Korea, divison (+) Germany, continuous exercises in former Soviet states, multiple deployments a year to South America same with Africa, USAF throughout UK, USN with ships patrolling every sea lane and pulling into every port. Liasons, trainers, observers in nearly every country everyday. Not a single UN or NATO exercise or mission has been conducted without US troops. Projection of US power makes us a hot commodity, as well as a target for the quips of the pampered of other countries. Look at the demographic of the next anti-US rally. They are made up of the same people as rallies in the US. Young adults protesting something- anything just to be heard. Or even worse state-coerced rallies that get people there through threats or food distribution after the festivities. Let them say what they will. The next drought, flood, civil war, hangnail they have you know who they'll call. And it ain't Ghostbusters.
  4. Amazing isn't it? Savannah had flurries (sp?) too. That's the second time in TEN years! As soon as there's even the mention of ice half the state of Georgia shuts down.
  5. The question is: was it DP or just a menege-a-weird?
  6. katie I'm heading to FL too. I'll be a little further north though. Maybe I'll head on down to Z-hills for a day though. Sorry I missed the bash on Saturday, Trev told me it was pretty good. Later Jeremy
  7. I done high altitude from about 20k to 25k, not sure the Alti III won't register and I was always too far back to see the A/C altimeter. My alt started to read again at about 16k. As far as the military stuff I don't know. I think it would suck. It's night, no freefly, ride down is so long you'd probably fall asleep, no swoops, and 150 lbs of weapons and explosives strapped between your legs. Dude, stick to $25 for 25k at the boogie. Also, I've heard rumor of them bringing back the challenge for the HALO course. Of course this was from a 3rd grp guy who hasn't been to it. Any truth to that?