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Everything posted by 006plus1

  1. News: "SpaceX mile-high escape test will feature 'Buster' the dummy" "SpaceX is just days away from shooting up a crew capsule to test a launch escape system designed to save astronauts' lives. Buster, the dummy, is already strapped in for Wednesday's nearly mile-high ride from Cape Canaveral, Florida. He'll be alone as the mock-up capsule is fired from a ground test stand and soars out over the Atlantic, then parachutes down." Story: http://www.chron.com/news/texas/article/SpaceX-mile-high-escape-test-will-feature-6236078.php
  2. Or... The Otter will be forced to fly lower than usual because of the cloud cover, thereby causing more noise than usual for the judge-observer, leading to an unfavorable outcome... Ryoder: Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this case.
  3. Yeah, we need a retro photo of a a videoman jumping with a VCR cassette machine strapped to his chest.
  4. Re: "For litigation pending in other jurisdictions, the firm gains court admission on a pro hac vice basis and works with local counsel." Are common people expected to know what "pro hac vice" means? Oh, and the banner image contains truncated wording... [inline Capture.jpg]