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Everything posted by Cepheus

  1. That's why I specified 'between jumps.' -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  2. So far, a little under a month... Weather and circumstance have prevented me from getting back in the air... Ugh. I couldn't imagine going YEARS without jumping... -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  3. Just curious. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  4. Understand? No. Probably never. In fact, bank on the near-fact that they will never understand what you do. Why? The only way to understand is to do it. So if your parents are anything like my mom, they will never understand. Accept? That's a different story. My mom would literally turn around, walk away, and say 'I don't want to hear about it,' whenever I brought up skydiving. This was before I made my first jump. Imagine the frost coming off the phone when I called to let her know that Yes, I did indeed survive. Arctic temperatures continued when I told her that Yes, I will be doing this again. I'm very proud of her though. Eventually she grew to accept that the sky and I are now inseperable. She's been to the dropzone with me twice now, and has even ridden to altitude with me. She likes everyone at the DZ, and likes to brag about my skydiving to co-workers, relatives, complete strangers. Who knows -- she may do a tandem one day. Maybe. Doubtful, but maybe. The point is, if I had done any more than simply accept her initial reaction, and instead acted on it, I wouldn't have found my place in the sky. I would have stayed, grounded, always wondering what I might be missing. There is only one person on this Earth that you need to live for (aside from your children should you be lucky enough to have them). That person is you. If your parents can't understand it, that's fine. If they can't accept it, that's fine too. You are your own person, able to decide your own fate. Persist. Jump as often as you can. Accept their intolerance, but never give in to it. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  5. So nostalgic that... well, no, I never had one... Hey, I was raised in the c64 era. Still a mystery to me as to why they went under... I never did research that. Perhaps I will. PS: To all those c64 freaks out there, check out http://www.lemon64.com/ -- Emulators, reviews, etc. Awesome site, really brought home to me how much influence that little machine had over my brief childhood. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  6. Ahh, c64 nostalgia... Mine still runs. I hook it up on occasion to laugh at how slow it is, but more to remember the good times... The rare good times... -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  7. The One Ring? -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  8. I'm a geek, yes, I build my own systems. This system: Athlon 1ghz ABit KT7A-RAID mobo 384mb pc150 RAM GeForce 2 video Santa Cruz sound 40GB and 80GB 5400RPM hard drives CDRW (can't remember the speed) 400 watt power Enlight mid-tower screwless case My System in the Making: Athlon XP 2100 (1.8ghz) Epox mobo (changing this when I get more cash) 512mb PC2700 DDR RAM GeForce 3 (something or other) Onboard sound (santa cruz is moving in when I'm done) 80GB 5400RPM hard drive 54x CD Rom (the CDRW's moving in) 450watt power Enlight desktop screwless case My livelyhood is in computers -- programming, network installation, sales, you name it. So yeah, it's safe to classify me as 'Geek.'
  9. Cepheus


    Start with the highest paying publication and work your way down. And don't be scared of rejections letters. They're a part of the experience.
  10. You couldn't pay me to go back, for any reason. Had a horrible highschool experience, abusive childhood experience, sucky life before the age of 18, in general. So, I guess I'd just have to stuff that genie back in the lamp. Or wish for something more constructive, like the ability to control weather over my dropzone, or something. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  11. This is what made it so hard for me to continue, for a while. I still have occasional trouble with trying to force my body to fly stable, and while I know it's a losing battle, knowing and doing are two completely different things. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  12. Cepheus

    Chopper Jumps!

    MAN that looks like a lot of fun! -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  13. Very, very close to the same routine I followed... I did 4 tandems, started at level III, repeated level IV 4 times, then went on to graduate the next week. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  14. Cepheus

    Jump Numbers

    All of the 12 jumps I have to date.
  15. Cepheus

    Up in smoke!

    Toes? You were lucky enough to have toes? -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  16. Cepheus

    Up in smoke!

    10 miles, uphill, both ways... I remember those days... -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  17. Oh I'm sure you'll find out soon enough... -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  18. I'm looking forward to doing mine... -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  19. Gotta say both. For me, it's been like two completely different forms of fun, rolled up into one activity.
  20. Hehe, true, but I'll worry about that when I have more than 12 jumps to my name. -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  21. Damn. Never thought of looking for symbolism in the bathroom... hehe There was a red towel on the towel rack (which doesn't exist) -- that's all I remember actually being in the bathroom. Also, I didn't shut the door (which seems to me would be the sensible thing if i were trying to hide) -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.
  22. Sorry -- it's as vivid to me now as it was when I woke up from it... -- Skydive -- testing gravity, one jump at a time.