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Everything posted by blazingMongrel

  1. Get signed off for sit, then find 3 others at your same level or better to fly with you and fly regularly with them, interspersing it with coaching when you hit roadblocks in body position, specific skills, etc. That way if you were cool anyway with paying the 5 grand, you'll end up with 20hrs tunnel time. That's what I did, at least. Got me off to a good start. Hope this helps!
  2. Hey. So I'm trying to attach my original alti-2 to this chestmount I got from paragear- the one where it's like an L-bracket that's bent in a bit for better viewing, made of carbon fibre with some velcro attachments to go through the mudflap, and I can't for the life of me figure out what type screws they used. I want to get longer screws to attach the alti right onto the mount, backplate on the other side, with washers. I went to Fastenal, a fastener specialist, and they didn't seem to have anything that would fit. What did you do to get your alti onto yours?
  3. We did this a while back. What do you think? Try it. Very fun.