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Everything posted by zsombi

  1. Our SoFPiDaRF candidate figured it out how he messed up his openings by trying to steer the opening with the rears. Now he is steering with harness only instead, and he has 150 fine openings so far. He's practicing some turns a bit bigger than 90° (about 110-120°) and happy with it. Never had any low turn and he could abort the turn every time when the conditions wasn't perfect. Sorry for the disappointing fact what does not include any blood, death, broken bones, base jumping and xbraced canopies :(
  2. If I didnt write my transition, would people write a straight answer or opinion?
  3. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4482657;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread Please!
  4. 2 of the jumps were high pulls. My coach said I have to push my shoulder towards the 3ring, other swoopers say, just stay relaxed, and keep my feet together symmetrically. I'm curious about your opinions. PS.: Thanks the GIFs, and thanks Brenan for putting me on SoFPiDaRF Facebook. I jumping with my coach since my 1st jump (same as my instructor) the 80% of my jumps were canopy piloting, in 225 jumps I haven't even touched the front risers under 1000ft , and I won't downsize for a while, I just wanted to start swooping on a "safer" canopy for this. (I mean Katana has longer recovery, if you make the turn in a safe altitude you have more time to recover or accurate the flight.) Don't eat me because of this non-conservative way of downsizing.
  5. Hi everybody, I have ~225 jumps, my transitions: at ~30 jumps started jumping a Sabre 190 WL 1.0 at ~60 jumps Stiletto 150 and Safire 149 WL 1.25 at ~120 jumps a Stiletto 135 WL 1.45 And ATM I have a Katana 135 WL 1.55. I have 6 jumps on this monster, flies awesome, but opens terrible. The first 4 jumps were Hn'P, it opened Katana-like OK. My 5th jump was my first cutaway, after a line-twist, also Hop and Pop. One week later I had to cutaway again my 6th jump on the Katana. Terminal, line-twist... My father jumped it about 10 times, he can handle it well. I have wrong body position. I never ever had problems with openings, but it seems the canopies I used were too forgiving. I don't wear a camera, but on the last jump, a cameraman jumped with me, and after that everybody told me it was my leg. I let my leg to kick up asymmetrically. Any suggestions from you, HOW TO fly the opening? I dont trust if I deal with this leg-problem, my openings will be better. Body position, legs, hands, looking up, any tricks, ideas to control my opening. I don't want to sell this wing, so please Icarus lovers don't come with Xfire. I have to learn this if I want an any higher performance canopy in the future. Thanks!