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Everything posted by GenePetri

  1. Don't they have the competitors wear two Pro-Track's, one on each hip? Seems like I read that if both devices didn't coincide, that they disregarded the measurements. So you wouldn't have to fool just one device, which might be easy enough with a back loop maneuver or something, you would have to fool both of them, simultaneously, and with the same recordings. Seems like that would make it very difficult to have erroneous results. Yet, somehow this speed run seems to have defied the laws of physics...
  2. Screw all the talk about metrics. Take that somewhere else. Someone please tell us how this was achieved!
  3. Buy a shitload of cheap umbrellas to hand out if necessary.
  4. Here's my recent story. Not Sears, but a shipping nightmare. I ordered something online, and without my knowledge, they shipped it "signature required". FedEx attempts delivery, I'm not home, notice on door. I attach note to their notice, leaving my signature and request they leave it on my doorstep. 2nd delivery attempt, they refuse to leave on door step, and leave another notice on my door. I attach another note, and request they leave it at my apartment office. 3rd delivery attempt, they refuse to leave at office, insisting again on my personal signature. I'm not taking an entire day off work to sit and wait for the delivery man. I'm not allowed to receive personal packages at work, so I can't re-direct it. End result, package is returned to shipper, I don't get the product. And now I have to ask for a refund, out of which I'm sure they'll deduct a healthy restocking fee. Everybody's time is wasted. Shipper loses sale. I lose the product I wanted. FedEx wastes their delivery time.
  5. Who are you, where did you jump before, and how many jumps did you have? Maybe someone here remembers you...
  6. That's a fairly common thing to have happen, and rarely causes any problem sufficient to need a cut-away. The other variation on that theme is to have the pilot chute over the nose and caught in an A-line, maybe slightly pinching off the opening to one half-cell. Again, rarely a big deal.
  7. Heck, that could be quite fun. Do we have enough people here to try it out on something? Suggestions welcome.