Hi All,
I've started my AFF program, currently on my C-2 and seeking advice.
My C-1 went very well from what my instructors told me, however not so much from my C-2. I spoke with my instructor on what went wrong, and what to do to fix it, due to heavy clouds I was unable to jump a second time with the advice given. I've been practicing and practicing, just want to get some feed back because the more you know right? I feel kind of silly for asking as this was discussed in Cat A, but will ask my instructor(s) the next time I go back.
Just a little back story, we fly up on a Cessna-182. Essentially, what had happen was that I checked out and preformed my cadence when I jumped off I pretty much did a back flip motion and my feet went in front of me instead of my pelvis being the outer most part of my body. This caused me to go back to earth instead of belly to earth and lets just say I took my instructor on for a nice little ride.
I tried to arch, but you could say I "panic'd" (more in the sense of well this is new....), I was altitude aware and was able to lock back in at 6000, wave off at 5500 and pulled unassisted. Due to the instability of when I pulled this caused some line twists and I had to bicycle kick out of them.
When you perform your prop up down arch. What motions are you actually performing during your Prop (Chin up, hips forward, Right Foot up and bent back)? What cues are in your head when you think of the word Prop?
Thanks all in advance and blues skies!