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Everything posted by UpDownOut

  1. Being on the 400-way world record one might think he would be kind of a stuck-up and snobby Skygod type. But not Peanut. He would jump with anyone, on any size dive. I spent a lot of time with Peanut jumping in several small grass crop-duster airfields out in the prairie, using C-182's and C-206's, with small groups of fun jumpers. He could and would do it all. He was also a private pilot, and a back-packer that would go on long-distance multi-day hikes carrying all his gear on his back. He messed up his ankle on a landing a few years ago, and for a long time afterwards his run-out landings were kind of a funny hop, skip and jump technique, as he tried to keep his weight off the bad ankle. It didn't stop him from jumping though. His wife Tami was also an accomplished jumper at the old Spaceland DZ.
  2. Tami and Tim "Peanut" Morrison: [inline Morrison_Tami_Tim.jpg]