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    Wing Suit Flying

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  1. Look at the really good looking guy in the background! ;)
  2. I left mine under a lamp overnight to dry and now the thing works fine. I even managed to re-sync it with jump track. I wanted to do that as soon as I could just in case this was its "dying gasp". I am going to see if I can locate some distilled water or some other sort of electronic cleaner today so I can clean it properly. The batteries are the ones that I only bought about 2 weeks ago and went through the washer... Not bad, but the plan all along was to get new batteries.
  3. This is reassuring... I just found my protrack in my washine machine under similar circumstances as to what you did. :(
  4. My head up is fine... I have been doing more RW recently and thats fine. Well its as fine as I can be after all this Freeflying ;) but you know what I mean.. Im just well stiff when head down... Whats this hiccup cure you speak of?
  5. I have flown one or two flights on each of the following, and I found them easiest to fly in this order: GTi Skyflier 3 (no shit) Classic II Skyflier1 Some old birdman suit (single front zip) very first, very old birdman model I found the Classic II very easy to fly and was quoted by a Birdman Intructor, who was chasing me on his S3 as saying "I fly very well". I found that the S1 was extremely twitchy, and the early model birdman suits were just crap (relatively speaking). The were like Camera suits with a leg wing. But thats what you get with 15 or so years of development in between that a Classic II or a GTi As you can see by the numbers of wingsuit jumps I have, I am no Wingsuit expert, nor do I claim to be. This is my casual observation and experience.
  6. No, its a tail strike, actually a tailplane strike, hence Bobby;s new nickname ;)
  7. No... The pilot assures us the plane was straight and level on our exit. He is also a highly experienced skydiver with LOTS of world level experience. I took his word that the plane was fine. It was his pretty blue plane too :) The video does clearly demonstrate Bobby gaining lift, I have a copy and if Bobby cant put it up, I will see if I can do so on the weekend and I am not jumping this weekend :(
  8. The standard exit speed of that plane at that DZ is about 90 kts usually. There was bugger all winds that day too... When you flew next to me I did not notice your suit was damaged, then again, I wasnt exactly looking out for anything of the sort either.
  9. Youre right... I can walk straight up and down no worries, and I dont look injured at all to someone that has never met me before (or has even known me for two or so years but doesnt know about my injury). Maybe I should fly my Aussie arse to Orlando and spend a couple of hours in the tunnel or something? :)
  10. Same happens for me... But I have a different licence number ;)
  11. Thanks for the tip GG, but the coach tells me "your body is too stiff, relax". Im sort of like, "I know that" :) What my drama is I simply cant... Its much easier for those with an intact spine.... The moral of the story, dont do hook turns... Or rather dont fuck them up.
  12. I wish I had a camera on,,, Now THAT would have been good
  13. The plane was straight and level the whole time. The aircraft (PAC XL-750) does have a very wide low set tail. You can see some blue paint marks on the suit but there isnt so much as a scratch on the iarcraft itself. We're all just glad noone was hurt.
  14. A few years ago I fractured my T12 and L1 in a landing accident (I dont do hook turns any more) and now I cant head down to save my life. I have scoliosis (to the right) in my back and as such it is never straight. I have done exercises such as pilates and this helps alot, and I can do head up flying fine (now), but I cant keep my back straight without being too stiff and unstable whilst head down. Anyone got any tips? Especially from others who have spinal issues would be great. Cheers.