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Everything posted by alain

  1. here's what I've found: JTSO: - advance (container by Parafun) - Atom (several containers by parachutes de france, not all of them are JTSO, some are only JAR21 and therefore "legal" only in france) - Omega (container by Performance variable) - techno (reserve canopy by parachute de france, not all size are JTSO, some are only JAR21) - quick (reserve canopy by Performance variable, duno if all sizes are JTSO) Speed reserve (germany made), I duno. I'd say probably. I guess that's about it... Javelin, Mirage, Vector, Talon, Vodoo, PDreserve, Tempo (PISA), Raven, (...) are not as far as I know JTSO. I would be happy if anyone could deny me on this. The fact that many euro skydivers (me included) are jumping US gear does not mean that it's JTSO, but that the JTSO regulation is not strictly enforced. At least, that's what happens in France: nobody clearly knows where we stand. That's why I'm asking to you what the officials say regarding this point in other euro countries, just to compare and make an idea of how great euro regulations are, sometimes... Alain
  2. aspherical on a slr lens means that it includes some no spherical elements in order simplify the design of the lens (ie less elements) and make it lighter. Eventually it will increase the over all performance of the lens or make possible a wide focal range on a zoom that would not be possible with only traditional spherical elements. An element is spherical when it's shape corresponds to a radius. when not, it is aspherical. Aspherical elements appeared with high precision digital machinery allowing to make them easily and consistently. You will find aspherical elements almost anywhere nowadays 'coz they are becoming cheap to built but they don't always mean high performance. The key is high accuracy in aspherical design and manufacturing and high glass quality, witch means higher cost, as usual... the "aspherical tag" can be only commercial appeal: quite impressive for those who don't know what it means Sigma's are usually pretty good (I couldn't say for this one specifically as I never used it) and fairly priced. the "valley vision" is called barrel distortion and is not directly linked to spherical or not elements: it's only caused by poor design. (except on fish eye lens, where this effect is expected) 'hope this helps... Alain
  3. I found that the tight set up on my Talon is specialy good in back tracking: the rig won't move and I just don't think about it untill pull time . I set it that way on all jumps now and I loose up the chest strap all the way as part of my post-opening routine... Alain
  4. just for those of you how don't know what's the FS: the harness seems very similar the vodoo. good stuff, I'll probabely get one up here at some point (and the price is GOOD) Mikey, I have a PA Talon2 multiflex, I love it (no down side)
  5. ok, I wrote that in some other thread... I should have said HP instead Alain
  6. interesting thread! I'm pretty much at your point (360 jumps, 300 jumps under a safire at 1,3:1, doing 90+ to double front) and I've been throu the same dilema (ie should I go eliptical, should I down size, should I do both). I ended with the same conclusion: I'm gona put another season on the safire Alain
  7. true in France (for french jumpers only,allways the same insurance reason). No problem for foreigners jumping on french DZ. Alain
  8. same size, same look, similar specs, isn't this one one the same lens as the diamond .3 in a different pakage ??? Could be a Japanese optic maker providing a lens for several distributors... (I mean, it looks like just the color is different , and the price ) If I'm right, then the .45 is what I've been expecting from royal lens for a while just my 2cent... Alain
  9. that's precisely what I'm pointing: I suspect the french manufacturer to give some lobby input on this, which clearly sux any German jumpers arround ??? Alain
  10. interesting report dude did you ask them about the cutaway system? they told a couple of month ago that they were working on one but no news since... Alain
  11. reading the icarus website, I understand that the Safire and xfire are elliptical, but the xfire is more than the safire. for what it's worth... extract from "Safire is a truly elliptical canopy with a light shaping incorporating a constant cell aspect ratio " "The Crossfire 2 is a highly elliptical, constant cell aspect ratio" Alain
  12. question to the Euro folks arround here: the official European certification standart is JTSO C23d, technicaly it seems to *very* similar to the TSO C23d (if not the same). Most of the US gear is TSO but not JTSO approved because the most US manufacturer don't make the paper work to become JTSO approved (that's all they would need to open the door) Down here in France we can not legaly jump a no JTSO gear (unless it's JAR21, just for french stuff, forget it). If you have an incident with a TSO gear, the french insurance can claim that you didn't jump a "legal" JTSO rig and refuse to pay a single euro. Question is: how does it work in the other European countries ? Can you jump the US TSO gear ? thanks for input Alain the JTSO web site is PS: I'm not quite sure in safety and training is the right place to post this, but I can't figure where else ?
  13. hi folks, there was a rumor a few months ago that royal lens would eventualy sell a .4 or .5 version of the diamond .3 Any of you have some news on that topic today? thanx for input Alain
  14. this is no longer an option in France: cypres (or any other AAD) is compulosry since 1/1/03 down here Alain
  15. Saskia> ... I can only do head-up ... I was allowed on like 2 way head-up dives with another jumper (not necessarily a coach) yep, the same rule applies in France for a couple of years... Jules> FF1 & FF2 requirements thanks for input :-) Allan> remember to use the rules as a tool and not a hinderance ... very true... AL1
  16. Paul, thanks for the links, I'm gona study that over the we
  17. ok, Paul: you give us some good stuff here, thanks
  18. ooops, just found some interesting stuff on Paul's site I'll study that and come back on the topic later if any questions... alain
  19. can someone help me on this: I'm wondering how to quantify variation in altitude, temperature and humidity on density altitude? what's the actual effect on the canopy? how do you calculate? the bottom line is that I'm jumping on various DZ with various climate, altitude... And I'd like to be able to make an accurate idea of how my canopy is going to behave before getting up there. 'tnink it could help getting a better undertanding of what's happening and therefore avoinding bad surprises... all input appreciated
  20. >...You could also calc it if you really wanted to but that would require a lot of work for very little return... put your cam without the wide angle in front of a wall, lets say 1 meter away from the wall. whach in the viewer and have a friend to mark on the wall where are the limits of the field you can capture. measure how wide it is, call it W. [0.5xW]=tan (A) just a little trigonometry with a calculator will tell you the value of A 2xA = angle without wide angle lens do the same with the wide angle on the cam [angle with lense] / [angle without lens] = ratio of your wide angle lens. do they teach you math at school in the states ? (kidin') alain
  21. if the requirements are the same as the french B4, it's nothing huge: head up: stable, adjust fall rate, turns on every axis (turns, loops, barrel), controled forward and backward movements head down: stable with no incidence (no movement) btw, what's the british FF1 and FF2 requirements ? charging a test jump for those having the B4 or FF1 would look like a rip of, agreed. I reckon the french B4 is a good idea: all freeflying newbies have to get in the hands of a federal freefly jumpmaster and therefore get the basic safety stuff specific to freefly, kinda freefly aff alain
  22. 168 is 20 EUR less than what I can get down here, doesn't sound much but put it this way: 1 ride to 14K plus one beer at the end of the day thanks dude
  23. Do some you Euro folks know where I can find a new prodytter at decent price: the french dealerrs are just too expensive (185 EUR is a bit too much,isn't it?) (euro land prefered...) thanks for input Alain