Hi, I'm new to the board. :)
I recently read a book called "The Source". I recommend it to anyone regardless of where they stand on the creation vs. evolution debate.
First off, Genesis completely agrees with current scientific data and theory on the formation of the earth. Keep in mind that the original text is written in Hebrew, which has many more descriptive words than English. So for instance a word like Love would have many diff words in Hebrew. We love our dog, pizza, wife, kids, skydiving, etc. But there are many diff kinds of love, all being very different. Ok, anyway, on to what I was going to say.
Here are some things from the book...
Genesis also states that when the earth was created it was formless and empty, dark and covered in water. Science also tells us that when the earth was in it's formation it was covered totally in water, and enshrouded in clouds (genesis also states that it was covered in 2 diff waters one being ocean, and one being clouds). There was also a lot of intersteller dust between the earth and the sun. All sunlight was blocked from the surface of the earth from these two factors. So science and the Bible agree on the formation of the earth.
Now lets look at how plants formed according to science, and compare that with what the Bible says.
How bout the sequence of animal life? Does the Bible agree with science here?
Ok, so lets say that just by chance the universe came to be, and just by chance the earth came to be. Mathmatically the odds of our earth forming by chance alone is 1 in 150,000,000,000,000,000. "This number only includes 11 factors necessary to support life. It does not include all the other precise chemical balances needed in the composition of the atom and the elements making up matter. It also does not include the factors needed for life itself, as demonstrated in its complex chemical codes for DNA and RNA."
These are only a very small example of many things that the Bible contains, that agrees with science. Keep in mind that the Bible does not contain every tiny detail about life, and every organism that ever roamed the planet. It was, as I said before, written in a time of simple people, who could not understand concepts such as atoms, protons, DNA, etc.