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Everything posted by splittail1
I just used one grid and filled in what I could put down as sure things the clues. after that I could tell the one who smoked blend could be in three of the houses - I tried each combination until I hit a road block and started from the blend point again till I got it.
My father has diabetes (type 2?), and it was pretty bad for a long time, to the point that the doctors told him he had x amount of years to live. Then, he saw something on tv (or heard it on the radio) about new research they were doing on the disease and went to one of the hospitals for testing - they found that it wasn't that his body wasn't producing the insulin, but that his cells weren't accepting it. Now, all he does is take a pill and his lifetime is indefinit. He still has to excersise regularly and eat right, but he's doing great. So I highly recommend checking out the new research going on and seeing a doctor(s) that special in it, it could make all the difference.
You can buy it in just about any liquor store here in Las Vegas. And believe me, there are plenty of liquor stores here - even mega-liquor stores that sell it in mass quantity and at discount rates. Woohoo!
You've got to learn how to use the booboo fixer uppers on paper - NOT people that you and crapflinger tackle and rub it all over.
I saw it a couple of months ago in San Francisco with my mother. It was awesome. It really opens the door to open discussion about the vagina and sets a tone in which women can feel really empowered about their body and sexuality. Sadly, it is too true that society has sort of forced women to feel uncomfortable about 'what's down there.' I've got a Bob! (insider joke for anybody whose seen it) Seriously though, the play just about talks about every aspect of female's sexuality and how different women feel about it. And yes, it also brings up some really harsh subjects that nobody wants to hear. I'll be the first to admit I didn't like the parts about rape and female genital mutalation. BUT, just as female sexuality needs to be discussed and people need to be aware of it, so do all the horrific things that happen and harm this aspect of a women. It was funny, sad and enlightening. I give it a thumbs up!
I'm not sure if you didn't get the reference, but MC208B is referring to some rediculous commercials that have been running on tv where they try to tie owning an SUV to support of terroism. I've heard that these commercials are funded by some independent group - that apparently has some very perverse ideas. I could possibly see how one could, maybe, again possibly, tie heroine use back to terroism, but a joint?!?! an SUV!?!? Oh yeah, and I think students protesting the war is great. Last time I checked - this country is for the people, by the people - a democracy. Its through each person fighting for what they believe in that things get done. How else was this country founded? Protest is the root behind the balance of power - we must constantly question our leaders - remember, they report to us. I beleive in the USA, what it was founded on and the fundamentals our four fathers put into play. And anybody who feels the current government is trying to take away, or perverse these fundamentals, has my support to stand up and say something. I'm scared too. I've been scared since 9/11, of our own government. The fear 9/11 placed in everybody has turned so much of this country against so much of what it was founded on.
Vegas Rocks - the boy is good, I shouldn't gamble but it can be lots of fun. I still miss the gang - sitting outside seb's watching agitator jump up and down on the flowers, drinking beer and laughing. Hmmm... Go have a beer for me girl!
Yeah... the good ol days. Remember when we stacked them pups? I miss the gang.
Yeah Agitator, We could really use his sunny disposition on a beautiful firday afternoon like this.
I'm confused as to who my parents favor. My brother always got everything he wanted when we were growing up, and when I questioned my parents on this one, they said my brother was a very sesitive child so they gave him more. Well, now, since they gave him everything he wanted, he still lives off of them (brother 29, me 26). They still give him everything he wants, but I think they just worry about him while they think that I'm more likely to succeed if pushed a little harder. Damn double standards &*^ *(&^%( So what was my point... oh yeah, I don't think they favor either one. I'm the girl, he's the boy - they treat us differently but care equally.
Hey Seb! I'm pretty bored too. My desire to work was brought down by CoIrkers who 'upset' me this morning. Its sun sun sunny here in LV too, I want to go outside and play... or just lay around drinking beers, yhmmmm!
A couple of summers ago the discovery channel aired a story during 'shark week' that went something like this - A man and his bride are in Austrailia on their honeymoon, scuba diving with a group. Out of the depths of the water, the man see a great white shark coming for hiis wife, rushes to her and pushes her out of the way and the shark grabs him instead, never to be seen again. THAT'S true love.
I was at UC Berkeley when they got rid of affirmative action, and through all the protest and debates the only thing I could conclude was that this is one issue I don't have a decisive stance on. I was denied to several colleges where I had better grades, better scores then some minorities who were accepted. I'm very happy with the school I went to, but still really annoyed, I worked my ass off! I also took pysch classes and sat on Human relations boards where I learned just how much ethnicity predetermines the opportunities offered to you in life. If we lived in a perfect world then affirmative action would be useless, but its flawed, and fundamentally affirmative action is a good idea to 'help' the problem. Unluckily, its gone way too far. The biggest qualm I have with U of M's scoring system is that (from CNN) 20 pts were awarded for minority races, while 1 pt was awarded for having an outstanding essay and 5 pts for personal and leadership achievements.
I vividly remember... my mother is a midwife so she thinks of all 'child-bearing' related topics in a very matter-of-factl, insensitive way. I was 4 years old and I was in my parents bathroom watching them get ready when the thought 'where do babies' first played in my mind. So I asked and my mother who, very matter of factly, told me, everything. I remember looking at my father, looking back at my mother, and feeling so disgusted with the two of them! Again, I was four! Instinctually, I understood it to be a good thing, but my innocent mind could not accept it. How about the first time you got the mother/daughter talk talk (or for men - the father/son version)? You know the one, where they tell you 'you can always come to them for help' blah blah blah - I was 11. We were in Philly, my father and brother left the hotel and I was held hostage, screaming quietly, and she wouldn't stop. augh! it was horrible. 15 years later and I still shudder at the uncomfortable memory.
silly silly boy! out of the sky we first fell you know me quite well!!!
I'll follow the rain All the way up to San Fran Seb- watch the niners ... a rainy sunday so watch the packers come play and... stay in all day